Gov. Scott Vetoes MSS funding

Gov. Scott Vetoes MSS funding


IMG_1518Today the Citrus County School Board was informed during our Special Meeting and Workshop that Florida Governor Scott signed the $78 billion budget into law, but not before vetoing $461 million out of the budget including the Citrus County Schools Marine Science Station’s $125,000 recurring funding.

I am disappointed that the Governor chose to veto the MSS, but this doesn’t change our continual commitment of the MSS to ensure its ongoing positive impacts for the students of Citrus County.

My hope is that we try next year and are more successful. Representative Jimmie T. Smith on Facebook today said, “I will commit here and now that I will do the hard work for next session to insure we once again fund this great educational tool.”

I want to again thank Senator Charles Dean; House Appropriations Committee and Joint Legislative Budget Commission, Chairman, Representative Richard Corcoran; along with Representative Jimmie T. Smith who worked to get the MSS funding included in the State budget.  I also want to thank Gene McGee for his tireless efforts.

Citrus was not alone in having educational funds vetoed—the Tampa Bay Times reported that, “Scott rejected a $3 million statewide review of school technology needs, which the Senate requested, as well as $1.5 million for an expansion of Teach for America activities in Florida. He nixed $3.5 million for a language development and literacy intervention program, and $400,000 for a House-backed principal autonomy project.” (Follow this link to read more –

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