BOCC unanimous in removing School Rep’s restrictions on PDC

BOCC unanimous in removing School Rep’s restrictions on PDC

Well done Commissioners!Citrus_BOCC_2015

Today the Citrus County Board of County Commission voted unanimously to remove the new restrictions on the School Board Representative who serves on the Planning and Development Commission (PDC).

I want to thank Chairman Adams, Commissioners Carnahan, Damato, Kitchen and Meek for this important vote. I especially must thank Commissioner Carnahan, who put this on his board agenda and made today’s motion and Commissioner Damato who seconded the motion.

This vote essentially reverses the BOCC’s vote on February 10, 2015 which at the time directed the Chairman of the PDC to “limit the participation of the school district representative to only sit and have involvement in those issues dealing with residential density”. The February 10, 2015 action was a dramatic change from the historic participation the School Board and its Representative enjoyed and the community I feel benefited from.

Today’s vote along with the BOCC’s recent vote on June 9, 2015 to maintain School Concurrency (read blog ‘BOCC Votes 5-0 to keep School Concurrency’) continues a positive and encouraging trend by the BOCC with the School Board.

Well done Commissioners!


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