VAM Alternative option presented to CCSB

VAM Alternative option presented to CCSB

Kennedy: it is a more common-sense solution to a senseless law

CCSB_07-25-2017On Tuesday, July 25, 2017 during our Special School Board Meeting, Director of Research and Accountability, Amy Crowell presented an alternative option to the State of Florida’s Value added Model (VAM) for the teachers’ evaluation process in Citrus County.  The School Board unanimously agreed at the June 27, 2017 School Board Special Meeting to remove VAM in Citrus County. (see Thomas Talks blog post, June 27, 2017) As Superintendent Sandra “Sam” Himmel shared during that meeting that the Research and Accountability department had already began developing an option to the VAM.

Ms. Crowell shared the specific changes to statute regarding VAM because of the 2017 Florida Bill 7069. The statute only required teachers whose students take state assessments (e.g., FSA, EOC) to have 1/3 of their evaluation determined using the Florida VAM formula system.  In Citrus County 28% of all the teachers have been required to have the VAM formula used in determining their evaluation. The remaining teachers in Citrus were permitted by Florida statute to use a district determined (and Florida Department of Education approved) evaluation model which by Florida statute still must be tied to students’ grades, and also count for 1/3 of their evaluation by state statute.

The Florida ‘Value-Added Model’ formula that claims to calculate a teacher’s effectiveness.

The Florida ‘Value-Added Model’ formula that claims to calculate a teacher’s effectiveness.

Ms. Crowell shared that the VAM alternative that the Citrus School District staff is proposing, is based on the current model Citrus uses for non-VAM teachers.  It is straight forward to understand, uses existing data and would be a far better improvement than using the VAM.  In short, it is a more common-sense solution to a senseless law.

Ms. Crowell shared that the alternative option was shared with the district’s Teacher Evaluation Committee, which has representation by teachers, administrators and other stakeholders.  Only a small number of feedback has been given due to the summer break, but all were positive.  School Board Member Doug Dodd suggested and the board unanimously agreed to table the approval of the alternative evaluation option until August 8th, 2017 School Board Regular meeting in order to give teachers additional time to weigh in on the proposed alternative.

I believe the School Board has every intention to approve an alternative to VAM as soon as possible.  In addition, following this coming year’s implementation, we will continue to monitor this alternative evaluation model and make improvements as needed.

As I have continually stated, I have opposed VAM and I am opposed at the use of students’ grade being tied to teachers’ salaries, bonuses and steps.  I look forward to voting for an alternative to VAM.  I will continue to lobby the legislature to remove from statute any using of students’ grade being tied to teachers’ salaries, bonuses and steps.

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