Happy Thanksgiving

happy-thanksgivingHappy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving gives us an opportunity to share our gratefulness for those blessings in our lives. I want to take this time to thank a few of those in my life.

Our family is blessed to live in such a “Capraesque” community–a community that is proud of  our American heritage and is always striving to give our kids a better future.

I have been blessed to have been raised by a mother and father that always made me feel anything was possible if I worked hard. While I miss my daily contact with my dad, he instilled in me his unwavering strength. I am grateful that my mother has found strength inside of her that she didn’t even know she had.

I am so grateful that I get to work in education with some of the finest student-centered leaders, educators and people you will ever find.

Our family is blessed to have our two Captains to coach us in the water and in life.

I am blessed to have dear and special friends that have become surrogate family members. People that are like fathers, brothers and sisters to me.

I am blessed to have two children that make life brighter and more beautiful and that show me what God’s love truly is.

Lastly, I am most thankful for the most beautiful and caring wife  I ever dreamed of- my Thomasine!

 My prayer is that we let those in our lives know how blessed we are to have them not just at Thanksgiving but each day of the year.

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