State Proposed Educational Budget Update – Revised

State Proposed Educational Budget Update – Revised

The state budget is beginning to take shape in the Florida 2012 Legislative Session.  We have seen some encouraging signs and some discouraging signs as the budget is being developed.

It is important to understand that while the information I am sharing is encouraging, it alone does not mean we still will not have several budget funding challenges ahead for our district, but it will potentially provide with some options.

The Encouraging News

About a month ago Governor Scott presented a budget which asked for a $1 billion dollar increase in Education PreK-12 funding for this year’s state budget. The Florida House of Representatives presented passesd their version of the House State Budget and it included a $1.1 billion dollar increase in Education PreK-12 funding over the previous year’s budget.  While we know this may affect other agencies budgets we also know that education has seen severe budget cuts in the past many years and funding back some of those cuts is critical to providing for our students future. This increase, over last year’s funding, could mean as much as $3 million dollars in funding back to Citrus County schools.

Initially the Florida Senate began sharing their budget allocations which shows a budget reduction cut of over $1.3 billion to the PreK-12 budget from last year’s budget.  But that has changed.  The Senate Education PreK-12 Funding Summary for its educational budget proposal was released.   The Senate proposal provides an increase in funding of about $1.18 billion (about $130 million more than the House budget proposal).

What To Do Now?

I want to thank our local Representative, Jimmie Smith, for his efforts in his own Education Committee for working to develop a budget that is more positive for students.  If you have an opportunity I would ask you to email or call Rep. Smith and thank him for his efforts in supporting education at ( or by calling Tel # 850-488-0805)

I would further encourage you to contact our State Senators that represent Citrus County and ask them to fund this Educational Pre-K-12 budget increase over last year’s budget and restore back some of the Educational funds that have been taken away from our students.  Citrus County Senator Charles Dean ( | Toll Free: 866-538-2831) and Senator Mike Fasano ( | Phone: 850-487-5062).

Please remember when you contact your Legislators it is important if you want to have a positive impact to be respectful when stating your position.  Be clear and brief with what you are asking of them and share how it may affect you personally or someone that you may be concerned about.

Looking Forward

I am optimistically encouraged by the Florida House’s and the Florida Senates Proposed Budgets.  But we still must do our part to inform our Legislators of the needs of our students, teachers and schools.

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