Sandy Hook Promise Video

Sandy Hook Promise Video


On Tuesday, September 17, 2019, a video produced by Sandy Hook Promise was distributed through the internet and has been quickly going viral. The producers attached a special warning to the video which says, “this PSA contains graphic content related to school shootings that may be upsetting to some viewers. If you feel that this subject matter may be too difficult for you, you may choose not to watch this video.”

Sandy Hook Promise states that their mission is, “to create a culture engaged in preventing shootings, violence, and other harmful acts in schools.”

While this video is hard to watch, it gives to those not in our schools and classrooms a glimpse of what our students, teachers, and staff are dealing with every day in our schools.  These trainings and conversations are happening in nearly all schools whether the schools are public, charter or private. School safety is not limited to the type of school.

If you are willing, I believe this video is worth watching. It will undoubtedly stimulate conversation. It will be controversial and will be criticized by some and praised by others, but I implore you to understand that this video does show the type of drills, conversation, thoughts, worries and fears that students and schools deal with every day, while also having meeting the academic needs, and in public and charter schools having to meet the ever-growing state mandates placed on local school districts, schools, and classrooms.

Follow this link to watch video:

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