Recap of School Board Workshop and Special Meeting for July 30th

July 30th, 2013 Board MeetingRecap of School Board Workshop and Special Meeting for July 30th

“Approved five to zero”

It has been over six months since School Board Chairperson Ginger Bryant was able to say the words, “approved five to zero”, at a Citrus County School meeting but at this meeting she was able to once again when Sandy Balfour was sworn in.  Florida Governor Rick Scott appointed Sandy Balfour as an interim board replacement as that is his responsibility when an elected official resigns office as was the case in January when the school board member from district 4 resigned.  Ms. Balfour was sworn in at the beginning of the board meeting.  Ms. Balfour is not new to Citrus County as she has been a teacher in the district for many years and most recently has been the language arts teacher for the Public Charter School, The Academy of Environmental Sciences.

The other major agenda item during the meeting was the board’s unanimous adoption of the Tentative Millage Rates, the Tentative Facilities Work Plan and the Tentative General and Capital Budget for the 2013-2014 Budget Year.  During the meeting two members of the public attended and one of them asked questions regarding the amount of the millage rate and what can be done to reduce the millage rate.   Kenny Blocker, Assistant Superintendent of Business Services, explained several important items regarding the budget to better answer the person’s questions. Mr. Block explained that other than 1.5 mills for capital improvements and upkeep of the buildings the remaining millage rate is set by the State Legislator, not the local school board.  Board Member Ms. Deutschman went on to explain that Florida has an education equalization funding law which provides the same amount per student to all districts.  The purpose is so that students in districts like Citrus that have a lower taxable property value get the same amount per student as students in high property value districts like Palm Beach County.  In addition Mr. Blocker explained that this year’s budget reflects an overall decrease of approximately $13.8 million less (or 5.9%) from the approved budget of 2012-2013.

The board approved salary steps for all employees for the coming 2013-2014 budget year.  I am pleased that the board did this but it should also be noted that this is a contractual requirement and must provide annual steps, unless the school board declares a fiscal emergency and meets the requirements of said fiscal emergency as defined in state statute.

The board also approved an agreement between the College of Central Florida and the Citrus County School Board for providing Dual Enrollment options for Citrus County students.

The board reviewed some policies that needed to be revised and lastly the board gave direction to staff that with the recent changes in State Law the board would like a revised policy to permit the safe use of Epinephrine Auto Injectors (commonly known as “EpiPens”) for students.  Last year, due to a new State Health Department’s interpretation of the use of EpiPens by schools, schools would not be allowed to use an EpiPens on a student unless student already had  a prescription could have; students could also administer it to themselves. These critical life- saving devices have saved many students’ and adults’ lives in Florida schools and the State Legislators listened and revised the law to allow schools to have them in their health clinics.

Click here to watch the videos from this meeting…

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