2014 Citrus Schools a Year in Review

2014 Citrus Schools a Year in Review

Kids 2014This year has been another busy and challenging year for our schools and district. The attack on Florida’s public education remained under attack while our teachers and students tried their best to prepare for the new Florida State Educational Standards and Florida State Assessments.  We continued to fight for our students and schools and, as the year comes to a close, I believe there are signs that some relief may be coming from Legislators. I am proud of the successes our district, schools, and students have had among some of the most challenging times in Florida public education.

Let reflect on a few of the educational happenings in Citrus this year;

In January Governor Scott wasted no time sharing his pleasure over the news that Education Week 2014 Quality Counts report ranked Florida 7th in the country in K-12 achievement.  Governor Scott said, “Today’s news that Florida jumped to 7th nationwide in K-12 achievement is the result of great work by our teachers. Florida families depend on an education system that provides every student with a quality education.”  The press release went on to say, “I am proud of Florida’s teachers who have worked so hard to help their students be successful”. (2014 Quality Counts)

In March Citrus County Property Appraiser Les Cook announced a settlement with Duke Energy that essentially ended  the lawsuit Duke Energy brought against the Citrus County Property Appraiser’s Office over the assessment values of Duke properties in Citrus County. This ended two years of the school district having to legally having to submit a budget that included the appraisal/millage amounts Duke was disputing, while the school district had to plan for a lesser amount and submit “after the fact” funding to the state of Florida.

In April our State Legislators had strong push back from the public on their displeasure of the State moving to the Common Core Standards.  As a result the state makes slight modifications to the Common Core Standards to create the new Florida Sunshine State Standard.

In May the CCSB contracted for Silver River Mentoring and Instruction, Inc. to staff and operate the district’s behavior school, The Renaissance Center and transfer the current CCSB staff to other schools.  The school typically had approximately 80-100 students.  Contacting out the operations is expected to save approximately $800,000 annually.

Also in May the Florida School Board of Education once again awarded the Citrus County School District the designation of an Academically High Performing District; this was the district’s eighth year of receiving this honor.  Citrus became one out of only three districts in the Florida to continuously be a High Performing Districts from 2007-2014.

During the summer there was much conversation on the school board due to Florida’s School Health administrative guidelines regarding over the counter medication. Parents, staff, our Superintendent, and School Board members desired a more common sense approach than what these guideline allowed.  The Superintendent and School Board are working on a solution to balance State statute, board policy and flexibility for parents and students.

In July Citrus County School District was once again designated as an “A” district by the Florida School Board of Education. Citrus was 1 of only 10 counties in the state of Florida to receive this rating by the Florida Department of Education!

The August primary election saw only a slight change in the School Board as voters returned all the incumbent board members and chose Mr. Doug Dodd to follow retiring veteran board member Pat Deutschman.

In September Citrus County approved its first public charter school, MYcroSchools. Joy Baldree, MYcroSchools director of education services and a former Citrus County educator, explains, “We serve an older student population. Our average age is 18 years 7 months. We try to get students who have dropped out of school back engaged and productive citizens in the district again”.

In October, after  hearing the great concerns of parents, students, and teachers, the School Board agrees to draft a Resolution on Assessment & Accountability asking for a three-year delay in the use of Florida State Assessment results to determine student promotion, graduation, school grades, as well as teacher and administrator evaluation. On November 13th, 2014 the School Board sign the Resolution on Assessment & Accountability.

In November the School Board said good-bye to school board member Pat Deutschman.  Ms. Deutschman was the senior board member having served 16 years on the board in addition to numerous years prior to that on school advisory committees and more. Ms. Deutschman will be sorely missed.  She made me a better board member and helped make us a better board.  We are a better district because of her service, and our children are better because of Pat Deutschman.

November 18th, 2014, at the Citrus School Board’s Organizational Meeting, the Honorable Doug Dodd, Honorable Linda Powers, Honorable Sandy Balfour and I were sworn in as Citrus County School Board Members. During the Meeting Board Member Linda Powers nominated me to serve another year as the School Board’s Chairman and it was unanimously approved.

Also in November the United States Department of Education released an article highlighting Citrus County School’s one-to-one Technology initiatives, “Florida County Uses Technology to Engage Students and Innovate in the Classroom” from their web publication, Progress Teachers Leaders and Student Transforming Education (https://www.ed.gov/edblogs/progress/2014/11/florida-county-uses-technology-to-engage-students-and-innovate-in-the-classroom).

Merry Christmas & Happy Holiday

Merry Christmas & Happy Holiday

Christmas Card.Merry Christmas to each of you and your families.

May God continue to bless our students, schools, staff and community.

FSBA Resolution Update; Resolution not challenged

FSBA Resolution Update; Resolution not challenged

Resolution on Assessments & Accountability upheld

FSBA Resolution 2014-0Thursday, the Florida School Board Association met for its General Membership Business Meeting. It was a full agenda that included approval for ‘Ratification of the 2015 Legislative Platform’. The Resolution on Assessments & Accountability passed by the FSBA Board of Directors was not on the final agenda, but that was not for a negative reason.

It is my understanding that since the Resolution on Tuesday passed the FSBA Board of Directors, that unless a member asked that the Resolution be amended at the General Membership Business Meeting (which was not the case at this meeting but that I later learn was the case in 2012 when the FSBA members adopted a similar Resolution), that then the Resolution was upheld and no additional action on the Resolution needed to take place as the Board of Directors had the authority to adopt the Resolution.

Therefore the FSBA Resolution on Assessments & Accountability was upheld by not being challenged.

I want to greatly thank FSBA Legislative Committee Chair, The Honorable Carol Cook, Pinellas County School Board Member for her and the committee’s work and support of being the Resolution to the FSBA Directors. I also want to give a special thanks to our FSBA President, The Honorable Patty Hightower, Escambia County School Board Member for her impressive work managing and presiding over the FSBA meeting.

I will be sharing more about the FSBA General meeting and in particular the Ratification of the 2015 Legislative Platform, but I want to lastly to express my great graduated to the many school board members that participated in Thursday’s General meeting. These are tremendously dedicated Public School Representatives that care greatly for the work we are doing and its impact on our communities, schools, teachers and most importantly our students. I am honored to work with them.

Citrus Participates in Education Week Leadership Series

Citrus Participates in Education Week Leadership Series

Edu_WeekThis past Monday evening Citrus County Schools was invited to attend the national leading education publisher, Education Week’s Leadership Series as one of a select number of school districts and its leaders to share about the key role and players in the rollout of college and career-ready standards in classrooms and in particular the role of the principal.

The facilitator of the evening was Education Week’s editor-in-chief, Virginia B. Edwards. The event included representatives from ten school districts around the state of Florida including Citrus.

Education Week reports that, “Recent surveys have shown that while many principals have received some professional development from their districts and states around the higher standards, they require much more if the implementation of these standards is going to succeed at scale.” EW goes on to say, “School leaders report a profound need for more preparation and training around budgeting for the standards, and managing the overall instructional shift; how to evaluate teachers’ use of the new standards during instruction; how to make decisions about teacher professional development; how to coach teachers toward improved instructional practice; and how to integrate the new learning goals into existing services for English-learners and students with disabilities.”

Ms. Edwards began the evening by asking us, “What leadership skills and specific strategies do principals need to effectively manage the overall shift to the new standards and assessments in their schools?” Districts talked about their challenges and then shared their; expectations for administrators, best practices for administrators, their professional development plan and their data which demonstrates success of these implementations. Many districts bragged about moving up one or more school’s grade level in several schools and how the school districts were on the right track. Those shared successes drew Citrus Schools Director of Research and Accountability to lead over to me and share that while it is impressive the successes those districts are having there was only one in the room who not only was a “High Preforming”, “A” district and who had the highest number of individual “A” rated schools, and that was so consistently for seven years- Citrus County Schools.

It was an honor to be a part of this important conversation which Education Week uses to help them in their work in how to best communicate about the issues facing public education.

FSBA Board of Directors Votes to Send Resolution on to General Meeting

FSBA Board of Directors Votes to Send Resolution on to General Meeting

FSBA Board of Directors Meeting 12-02-2014Passes first step, now heads to General Meeting this Thursday, December 4th, 2014 at 3:45pm

Today the Florida School Board Association had its Board of Directors meeting. During the Legislative Committee report by committee chairperson Carol Cook (Pinellas County School Board Member) as I had hoped submitted a FSBA Resolution on Assessments & Accountability for approval of the Board of Directors to send to the FSBA General Meeting this Thursday for adoption by the FSBA members.

On the FSBA Board of Directors, Citrus is represented by board member Ginger Bryant. Unfortunately Ms. Bryant wasn’t able to attend and she asked I attend as her proxy (which is permitted under FSBA by-laws). This afforded me the privilege of speaking during the meeting in support of the FSBA Resolution. I am pleased to share that the FSBA Resolution passed overwhelmingly.

I am looking forward to the FSBA General Meeting this Thursday, December 4th, 2014 at 3:45pm with hopes that the FSBA members will next adoption the Resolution.

Below is a copy of the proposed FSBA Resolution.

FSBA Resolution 2014-1


FSBA Resolution 2014-2

Happy Thanksgiving

happy-thanksgivingHappy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving gives us an opportunity to share our gratefulness for those blessings in our lives. I want to take this time to thank a few of those in my life.

Our family is blessed to live in such a “Capraesque” community–a community that is proud of  our American heritage and is always striving to give our kids a better future.

I have been blessed to have been raised by a mother and father that always made me feel anything was possible if I worked hard. While I miss my daily contact with my dad, he instilled in me his unwavering strength. I am grateful that my mother has found strength inside of her that she didn’t even know she had.

I am so grateful that I get to work in education with some of the finest student-centered leaders, educators and people you will ever find.

Our family is blessed to have our two Captains to coach us in the water and in life.

I am blessed to have dear and special friends that have become surrogate family members. People that are like fathers, brothers and sisters to me.

I am blessed to have two children that make life brighter and more beautiful and that show me what God’s love truly is.

Lastly, I am most thankful for the most beautiful and caring wife  I ever dreamed of- my Thomasine!

 My prayer is that we let those in our lives know how blessed we are to have them not just at Thanksgiving but each day of the year.