On Wednesday Scott signed SB 736 – Education Personnel into law

On Wednesday Scott signed SB 736 – Education Personnel into law

Rick Scott traveled to a charter school in Jacksonville this morning to sign the bill (SB 736) into law.  The bill is thought to be a more moderate version of last year’s SB 6, which was designed to abolish the current teacher Professional Service Contract (PSC) and tie pay for teachers to their students’ performance and was vetoed by Gov. Charlie Crist. This year’s measure, which aligns with the Department of Education’s Memorandum of Understanding for federal Race to the Top funding, will allow teachers to remain under the PSC system until retirement, provided they don’t change districts. If they do, they go to the new system, which offers them annual contracts renewable only if they are found to be “effective” or “highly effective” by a combination of their students’ standardized test scores and other evaluation methods. All teachers hired in Florida after July 1 will participate in the new system.

Portions of this post were taken from Kim MacQueen article from Mach 24th, 2011 in The Current.

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