More schools are making peace with skateboarding

Thursday, September 23, 2010 6:59pm PDT

More schools are making peace with skateboarding

By: Chris Mauro,

There was a time, not that long ago, when skateboarders and school officials were hostile warring parties.

Administrators, school boards, and city officials fearing the long arm of litigation declared war on skaters years ago, making them outlaws for riding anywhere near a schools’ coveted features like high curbs, manicured concrete roll-ins, and flat handrails, all of which make campuses a target rich environment for skaters.

In several instances the bans became city wide. To this day, the cat-and-mouse game skaters play with most security detail, be they hallway monitors, mall cops or fully deputized police officers, is not just a past time, but a source of pride.

But times are changing.

More and more schools, desperate to do anything to encourage kids into some physical activity, are warming up to the idea of bringing some “controlled chaos” into the P.E. class by not only encouraging them to take up the sport, but instructing them in the fundamentals.


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