Florida Public Teachers Ranked 4th in Nation, Schools Ranked 6th in Nation

Edu Week 2013Florida Public Teachers Ranked 4th in Nation, Schools Ranked 6th in Nation

Education Week’s Quality Counts rankings for 2013 were released and Florida received a score of 81.1 (B-) making Florida 6th in the Nation for total quality of education.

Public school teachers received high marks by earning a “B”, ranking them 4th in the nation, Nationally teachers in others states earned just a “C”.  It should be noted that Florida public school teachers typically rank 47th nationally for teacher’s wages.  This further demonstrates that Florida’s educational challenges are not about ineffective teaching and teachers.

These findings do not surprise me.  I spend many hours at our schools and in our classrooms. I witness firsthand the dedication our teachers, our staff and our administrators have for the students.  I am blessed to have my own children in the public school system in Citrus county, who have received a powerful high quality education by caring and committed individuals.  Education is not a job to these professionals, it is a “calling”.

We must stand together as communities to support and honor public education.  It is one of the greatest investments in our community, country and future.

I congratulate our teachers, school staff and administrators for their long hours and difficult work they do each day for our students.

Also see NPR story: Quality Counts 2013 Education Rankings Come In



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