FL-DOE Order No. 7, Most welcomed

FL-DOE Order No. 7, Most welcomed

Thank you Gov. DeSantis and Commissioner Corcoran

Yesterday Florida Commissioner of Education, Richard Corcoran issued Florida Department of Education Order No. 7 which continues to provide specific exemptions and gives needed options and flexibility for school districts, students, and families for the second semester of the 2020-2021 school year. FL-DOE Order No. 7 continues many of the important needs originally issued earlier this year in FL-DOE Order No. 6. (CLICK HERE to read my commentary about FL-DOE Order No. 6 published on July 19, 2020.)

FL-DOE worked together in collaboration with the Florida Association of District School Superintendents (FADSS) on the language in FL-DOE Order #7. The new order extending flexibilities to districts, requiring brick and mortar learning remains an option.  It also creates new communication requirements and reporting requirements to ensure that students who are struggling get the assistance and monitoring needed to succeed. Learn more on the FL-DOE website at: http://www.fldoe.org/em-response/index.stml

I am very grateful to Gov. DeSantis and Commissioner Corcoran for this new order and for extending these necessary options and opportunities. I am further appreciative of FL-Doe working with FADSS and the Florida School Board Association on our concerns.

Below is an easy to understand graphic on the basics of FL-DOE Order No. 7.

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