CSMS Honors Inauguration Day 2013

Citrus Springs Middle's Presidential InauguralCSMS Honors Inauguration Day 2013

Friday might have been only January 18th, but at Citrus Springs Middle School it was Inauguration Day. All day long Social Studies and American Government teacher, Mr. Shawn Keenan, had his students take part in a mock United State Presidential Inauguration Ceremony to learn and experience first hand what and why this event takes place. Each class had a President, Vice President, Chief Justice and Associate Chief Justice and others that play their roles. The President (student) was sworn in by The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court (another student) by their own name and then the President gave an Inaugural Address which they had personally written. Their speeches were most impressive and greatly enjoyed how each student shared their view of our country and gave their vision of the direction our country needs to take in the next four years.

As the ceremony took place it was hard not to see how serious the students took this exercise. Even when each person walked to and from the podium the manner in which they walked reflected the importance of this event.

After the ceremony Mr. Keenan spoke to the students about different presidential inaugurations in history and told of unique, unusual and important details that took place during past inauguration ceremonies or speeches. One of the stories that the students enjoyed was about the first inauguration of George Washington and how the public came out to hear the voice of our first President, a leader known for his great role in forming our country. When the President elect began to speak and the people eagerly began to listen, the people could not hear a word, because Washington, who had false teeth and had them in for this event, was so concerned his teeth might come out that he spoke very carefully, quietly and softly.

This event surpassed any single political party or ideology but was a learning experience for students about this special and important event that takes place and empowers our President every four years.

Scroll down to see more photos posted of this event on the Citrus Schools Facebook Site

From Citrus Springs Middle’s Presidential Inaugural Ceremony, posted by Citrus County School District on 1/21/2013 (47 items)

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(Citrus Springs Middle’s Presidential Inaugural Ceremony)

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