Citrus Rocket Girls win National Title

Citrus Rocket Girls win National Title

Lilianna Henry with her new rocket launch at Citrus Springs Elementary.

Lilianna Henry with her new rocket launch at Citrus Springs Elementary.

In our classrooms, we encourage and want our students to shoot for the stars.  Today two of those students were awarded a national title for doing just that.   Crystal River Middle School student, Victoria Miterko and Citrus Springs Middle School student Lilianna Henry (both formally of Citrus Springs Elementary) were notified that each of their mo

del rocket launch entries in the “Reach for the Stars” ~ National Rocket Competition were national winners.  Miterko and Henry are the sixth Citrus schools’ students in the last four years to be nationally recognized.  An outstanding accomplishment.  The competition is done annually in memory of Christa McAuliffe the world’s first Teacher-in-Space.

For seven years local educator Christina Hackey (Citrus Springs Elementary) has been teaching rocket science in her classrooms.  Hackey shares how vital it is for students today to have hands-on learning and that focusing on the “STEAM” (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math) subjects.  Hackey, a mother of three daughters, explains how important it is that we encourage girls to participate, learn and go into these high-tech fields.  Miterko and Henry are one step closer to that happening.

Lilianna Henry with educator Christina Hackey following Henry's launch.

Lilianna Henry with educator Christina Hackey following Henry’s launch.

Miterko and Henry will receive a Space Shuttle Challenger commemorative medal and the opportunity to launch rockets from Homer Hickam Field at Space Camp under an “October Sky” on October 17th, 2017 at the US Space & Rocket Center, in Huntsville Alabama.  October Sky is a reference to the 1999 film about Homer Hickam and the Rocket Boys. It is the true story of Hickam and his friend who learn about and launch model rockets.  Later Hickam himself goes on to college and becomes a NASA scientist helping launch the NASA Space Shuttles.

The local “Reach for the Stars” rocket competition is sponsored in part by the Citrus County Education Foundation.

Congratulations to Victoria Miterko and Lilianna Henry!

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