Citrus Educational Technology Specialist Finalist for National Bammy Award

Citrus Educational Technology Specialist Finalist for National Bammy Award

Presented by the Academy of Education Arts and Sciences

Academy of Education Arts and Sciences AwardsRecently Citrus District Technology Specialist, Jerry Swiatek was notified that he is a finalist for the prestigious national Bammy Award. The Bammy Awards are presented by the Academy of Education Arts and Sciences, which includes leading educators, education professors, journalists, editors, researchers, commentators, advocates, activists, visionaries and pioneers. The Academy is comprised of a board of governors, a council of peers and the executive committee. This is without question the Academy Awards of Education in our Country.

Originally 23 people were nominated in the School Technologist category from around the country. Then that number was reduced to 5 finalists. Mr. Swiatek was chosen as one of those five finalists for this national award.

Next week, Mr. Swiatek will be travelling to Washington D.C. for the Academy of Education Arts and Science’s red carpet gala taking place at The Arena Stage Kogod/Cradle Theater on Saturday, September 27th, 2014.

Jerry SwiatekWe are so proud that Mr. Swiatek is receiving this recognition and will represent the Citrus County School District at the Awards. We are blessed and thankful for all that Mr. Swiatek does for our student, staff and district. Mr. Swiatek is a visionary in educational technology curriculum and technology implementation in education.

Mr. Swiatek is the founder of EdCamp Citrus which is one of the largest Ed Camps in the United States. Those interesting in contact Mr. Swiatek can reach him at

Best of Luck Mr. Swiatek!

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