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High school grad rates up again, but there is even more to celebrate

High school grad rates up again, but there is even more to celebrate

District’s program completion rate is 94.6%; 39 Citrus County students graduate due to FL DOE special exemptions

This past week Florida’s 2019-20 Federal Uniform Graduation rate data was released at The results showed that Florida’s statewide graduation rate has risen once again and that Citrus County Schools are now at a 17-year high of 87.1%. While this is a reason to celebrate, there is even more to share and celebrate.

It is important to understand that the Federal Uniform Graduation rate is not the full graduation and high school completion rate. It only gives the rate for students that graduated in 4-years with a standard Florida high school diploma. It does not include students that graduated in the summer after graduation, those who earned their G.E.D., vocational transfer students, or other graduates.

Florida’s statewide graduation rate climbed to 90 percent, an increase of 30.5 percentage points since 2003-04 and 3.1 percentage points over last year.  Citrus County rose to 87.1 and 1.1 percentage points from the previous year, 2018-19.  Citrus County’s average rate includes our three public high schools, CREST, Cypress Creek Detention Center, Renaissance Center, E-Nini Hassee, and the former Citrus MYcroSchool Charter School.

Crystal River High School’s Federal Uniform Graduation rate climbed to 89.7 percent, an impressive 2.0 percentage points higher from 2018-19. Citrus High School’s graduation rate was maintained at 92 percent.  Lecanto High School’s graduation rate was the highest at 93.1 percent. That is an average of 91.7 percent for our three traditional high schools.

I am also grateful that the Florida Department of Education and Commissioner Richard Corcoran provided special exemptions because of the COVID pandemic permitting the class of 2020 students to graduate pausing some of the state assessment requirements. In Citrus County, 39 students (4%) from across our district received high school diplomas as a result. I am praying either the Florida legislature or FL-DOE/Commissioner Corcoran again provide exemptions for the class of 2021 students, pausing state assessment requirements for graduation.

While these Federal Uniform Graduation rates are encouraging, what I am even more proud of is our District’s programs’ “Completion Rate”.  As a District, and School Board, we do not simply focus on the Federal Uniform Graduation data– we look at the successful completion rate of all our students.  If you combine all of those rates for this past year, it was 94.6 percent, which includes GED-based diplomas (1.3%), certificates of completion (0.4%), still enrolled in school (4.5%), and those at transferred to an adult education program (1.4%).

These programs better represent all of our students’ completion work and are the true testament of the successes in our education community and with our students.

Citrus School Board consensus: Yes to essential mentors and in-person traditional graduations

Citrus School Board consensus: Yes to essential mentors and in-person traditional graduations

1/12/2021 SCHOOL BOARD MEETING photo

School Board Member Thomas Kennedy shares about bring back mentors during the January 12, 2021, Regular School Board Meeting.

During yesterday’s Citrus County School Board meeting, I shared that I felt it was needed to modify our COVID-19 protocols to begin again permitting essential mentors and volunteers (especially at the high school level) and who are ESSENTIAL to the success of our students to mentor students at school. These mentors and volunteers not only impact the students but often dramatically aid our guidance departments who are already challenged at this time. We have always depended on the help of these essential mentors and volunteers before COVID as part of our success model, we need their support more than ever. We have been successful with our COVID protocols and I am confident our administrators and staff can implement this safely and effectively. I am grateful that each of my fellow board members supported both of the issues. end of the school year. I feel that since we have successfully and safely had football games, basketball games, and other events that have had hundreds of large crowds, that we can safely plan and accomplish having in-person traditional graduations. The Class of 2021 seniors have now lived through so much and we can make this happen for them. With about 4-1/2 months to plan we can do this.

I am grateful that each of the my fellow board members supported both of the issues.

Click on link to read the Citrus County Chronicle story, ‘School board supports hosting in-person graduation ceremonies, return of school volunteers‘.

Winston Churchill was an optimist, and so am I

Winston Churchill was an optimist, and so am I

“For myself I am an optimist – it does not seem to be much use to be anything else.”

Winston Churchill



FL-DOE Order No. 7, Most welcomed

FL-DOE Order No. 7, Most welcomed

Thank you Gov. DeSantis and Commissioner Corcoran

Yesterday Florida Commissioner of Education, Richard Corcoran issued Florida Department of Education Order No. 7 which continues to provide specific exemptions and gives needed options and flexibility for school districts, students, and families for the second semester of the 2020-2021 school year. FL-DOE Order No. 7 continues many of the important needs originally issued earlier this year in FL-DOE Order No. 6. (CLICK HERE to read my commentary about FL-DOE Order No. 6 published on July 19, 2020.)

FL-DOE worked together in collaboration with the Florida Association of District School Superintendents (FADSS) on the language in FL-DOE Order #7. The new order extending flexibilities to districts, requiring brick and mortar learning remains an option.  It also creates new communication requirements and reporting requirements to ensure that students who are struggling get the assistance and monitoring needed to succeed. Learn more on the FL-DOE website at:

I am very grateful to Gov. DeSantis and Commissioner Corcoran for this new order and for extending these necessary options and opportunities. I am further appreciative of FL-Doe working with FADSS and the Florida School Board Association on our concerns.

Below is an easy to understand graphic on the basics of FL-DOE Order No. 7.

Citrus County Blessings Board of Directors meeting

Citrus County Blessings Board of Directors meeting

So honored to serve on this great board for this organization that addresses children’s hunger in Citrus County. Extra honored to serve for another year with my daughter Genevieve, who is a student representative and often works as a team site leader.

Chronicle shares about CRHS Royal EMT Program

Chronicle shares about CRHS Royal EMT Program

Students in the College of Central Florida’s dual-enrollment Phil Royal EMT Program at Crystal River High School’s Academy of Health Careers apply oxygen to a training dummy during a class prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. Those pictured, from left to right: Bradley Ciccone, Maxwell Wolff, Zachary Kahler and Grace Mason. (c) Citrus Chronicle –

Great article on this outstanding opportunity for high school seniors next semester. Please read!

Thank you to Citrus County Chronicle for covering this program and opportunity.