Summer Rise 2024: Empowering Futures at the College and Career Readiness Event for Citrus County Seniors

Summer Rise 2024: Empowering Futures at the College and Career Readiness Event for Citrus County Seniors

All Students Awarded a Free Laptop, and Twenty-Five Students Awarded $500 Scholarships

The 2024 Summer Senior RISE program welcomed a record number of over 150 students, each eager to seize the opportunity to grow and excel. The RISE (Resources, Information, Support, Entry) program, now in its sixth year, has once again become a beacon of hope and empowerment for these young individuals as they prepare to embrace their futures. This transformative two-day college and career readiness event is designed to empower incoming Citrus County high school seniors, helping them plan their futures with confidence and clarity.

Organized by the Citrus County Coalition for College & Careers and Citrus County Schools, in partnership with the College of Central Florida (CF) and local supporters like the YMCA, Publix, and the Citrus County Education Foundation (CCEF), this event aims to provide comprehensive guidance and resources. Throughout the event, students engage in workshops covering essential topics such as crafting compelling college essays, completing scholarship applications, exploring diverse academic programs, mastering interview skills, and navigating the FAFSA process. These workshops are meticulously designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in their post-secondary endeavors.

My wife Thomasine, a CCCCC board member and volunteer, and I had the honor of once again participating as interviewers in mock interviews of RISE students. We were joined by leaders from many diverse industries and backgrounds to interview these students, providing them with invaluable experiences. Each student engaged in three mock interviews with community members from various sectors within Citrus County. These practice sessions allowed the students to sharpen their communication skills, boost their confidence, and learn from the valuable feedback provided by experienced mentors and professionals. The preparation and impressiveness of these students were truly remarkable.

A popular segment of the event was when current RISE students listened to the success stories from previous RISE alumni, adding to the excitement of what lies ahead for the current participants. Among the RISE alumni are engineers, nurses, business professionals, meteorologists, welders, linesmen, chefs, doctors, teachers, and more – the impact of the RISE program is evident in the varied and successful paths taken by these accomplished individuals.

The event concluded with two major special announcements that thrilled the attendees. First, Patrick Simon of the Citrus County College and Career Coalition revealed that twenty-five $500 scholarships would be awarded to deserving students, courtesy of the CCCCC. Following this exciting news, Shaunda Burdette, Executive Director of the Citrus County Education Foundation, announced that, thanks to a generous donation, the CCEF would once again provide each student who attended the RISE program with a laptop to support their college or career plans. These laptops will be distributed at the end of their senior year, ensuring that they have the necessary tools to succeed in their future endeavors.

The achievements of the RISE program wouldn’t have been possible without the dedication and support of various organizations and individuals. Special acknowledgment goes to Patrick Simon, the Citrus County College and Career Coalition, Citrus County Schools and Director of Special Programs Darrick Buettner, Al Balk, Citrus Schools Supervisor of Instructional Materials, Shaunda Burdette, Executive Director of the Citrus County Education Foundation, the College of Central Florida, and all the educators, volunteers, community members, and stakeholders. Their unwavering commitment to facilitating and providing this transformative experience for the students is deeply appreciated.

A special thanks to all our community partners for making the 2024 Summer RISE program possible! The collaboration and dedication of everyone involved have ensured that the program continues to inspire and prepare students for their futures, making a lasting impact on their lives and the community. The RISE program stands as a testament to the power of community support and the potential of our young people when given the right resources and opportunities.

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