Securing the Future: Legislative Success Brings Critical Funding to the Academy of Health Careers at CRHS

Securing the Future: Legislative Success Brings Critical Funding to the Academy of Health Careers at CRHS

Governor Approves $150,000 for Capital Improvements, Enhancing Pathways and Addressing Healthcare Workforce Needs

We are thrilled to announce that a significant portion of Citrus County Schools’ 2024 legislative appropriation budget request for the Academy of Health Careers (AHC) at Crystal River High School (CRHS) has been approved by Governor DeSantis in the final budget. This approval includes $150,000 for capital expansions and improvements for the AHC at CRHS. This investment is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our community leaders, particularly Florida House of Representative Dr. Ralph Massullo and Florida Senator Blaise Ingoglia, whose advocacy was instrumental in securing this funding for our program and addressing the broader health needs of our community and state.

In June, we learned that a large portion of the original request was vetoed, but not all of this important appropriation was lost. Thanks to the unwavering support of Senator Ingoglia and Representative Dr. Massullo, the full requested amount was passed by both chambers during the legislative session, though not all was included in the final approval. This week, Citrus County Schools received the remaining approved funding, marking a significant milestone in our efforts to enhance the Academy of Health Careers.

The approved funding will allow for strategic long-term capital expansions and improvements to the Academy, enhancing its pathways and ensuring that our students receive the best possible education in health careers. One of the most exciting developments is the future planned inclusion of Firefighter 1 certification within the EMS/EMT pathway, which will broaden the scope of career opportunities available to our students. Additionally, we are eager to introduce new programs in Radiology, pharmaceutical, EKG, phlebotomy, and health management. These additions will complement our existing pathways in Certified Nursing Assistant, BioMedical Technician, Dental Assistant, EMS/EMT, and Veterinary Assistant, further enriching the curriculum and providing our students with valuable, industry-standard skills.

The healthcare industry in Citrus County and across Florida is facing a critical shortage of professionals. Recent state reports highlight an impending need for 1,000 medical professionals in our region and 50,044 statewide in the coming year. By investing in the AHC and its programs, we are not only preparing our students for successful careers but also addressing this urgent workforce demand.

As we enter the 31st year of the Academy of Health Careers, we are excited to welcome our incoming freshmen and returning students. These students will continue their studies toward state licensing or industry certifications in one of our five incredible medical pathways. We are deeply grateful to the district, school educators, city and county leaders, and community members who have supported this effort. Special thanks go to Citrus County Schools Assistant Superintendent Dr. Scott Hebert, Director of Career & Technical & Adult Education Debra H. Stanley and her CTE team, along with Gene McGee, who has been a tireless advocate for this initiative on behalf of our community.

The Academy of Health Careers at CRHS is the oldest magnet program within Citrus County Schools and is arguably the most successful high school Career Technical Education program in our district and region. Over the past three decades, the Academy has produced thousands of nurses, doctors, first responders, engineers, military leaders, and other health professionals. We are committed to continuing this legacy and expanding opportunities at the Academy of Health Careers, as well as high school CTE/Workforce programs across all our high schools and Withlacoochee Technical College.

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