School Board Review for April 12th, 2011 Meeting
School Board Review for April 12th, 2011 Meeting
At the April 12th, 2011 Regular School Board meeting one thing was noticeably different about this meeting and exciting to all the board members: the room was full! I have the pleasure of sitting next to Board Member Pat D and she and I commented to each other how wonderful it was to have the room filled with students and members of the public.
Throughout the year the Superintendent and the School Board honors students, teachers, staff, administrators, and community members and today the room was filled with those being honored as their proud friends and family looked on.
First to be recognized was Patrick Mand for attaining the rank of Eagle Scout in the Boy Scouts of America.
Then, the CCSB honored the Citrus County Schools State Science and Engineering Fair winners. These talented students represented Citrus County at the State Science and Engineering Fair in Orlando, Florida the week of March 23rd-25th, 2011. These students were Angela Byrne, Chloe Hale, Lena Martone, Jordan Miller, Dharma Murphy, Merci Ovard, Karma Pfeiffer, Ocean Pierce, William Sherouse, Quynn Sisto, Derek Starkweather, Hunter Taskey, Elisabeth Veal, Joseph Wilder, and Graydon Wolfe. Chloe Hale and Joseph Wilder were recognized on being selected to represent Citrus County Schools at the International Science and Engineering Fair being held in Los Angeles, California May 8th-13th, 2011. Also recognized were Lena Martone and Karma Pfeiffer as alternates to the ISE Fair.
Bruce Titus of Crystal River Middle School was honored as the winner of the Math Field Day T-Shirt design contest. As winner of this contest, Bruce will receive a $100.00 savings bond.
Certificates of Achievement were presented to Sunshine State Scholar nominees Lena Rose Martone – Citrus High School; Morgan Lee Metzger – Citrus High School; Harsh Praful Patel – Crystal River High School; and Aaron Edward Johnston – Lecanto High School. Citrus County Schools Sunshine State Scholar Winner is Devon Rhuel Harvey.
School volunteers and mentors are our schools’ unsung heroes and are some of their greatest assets. The CCSB awarded the 2010-2011 Outstanding School Volunteers and Mentor of the Year:
- Adult Volunteer of the Year is Mary White, Citrus Springs Elementary
- Senior Volunteer of the Year is Mary Terschak, Crystal River Primary
- Outstanding Mentor of the Year is Michael Quigley, Crystal River Primary
Click Here for Information on becoming a School Volunteer or Mentor.
The last presentation was to honor the many great volunteers of the “Blessings in a Backpack” program. This is an outstanding non-profit program which bridges feeding students on the weekends. (Click here to ead a past post on Blessings.)

Catherine & Julia Schlabach recognized for Blessings in a Backpack. These girls themselves raised half of the start-up funds to begin the Blessings program at their school (FRE).
The Executive staff presented for Board approval several Human Resources changes. The Board approved the Organizational Chart/Positions presented at the March 29th Workshop. The Board also approved new job descriptions for the Assistant
Superintendent of Business and Support Services, Executive Director of School Support Services, Supervisor of Business Operations, and Supervisor of Accounting and Internal Accounts. The last positions the Board approved at the meeting was for seven new units for Technology Support Specialist positions at each of the high schools and middle schools.
Before adjourning Mary Curry and Cheri Cernich shared the modifications to the “2011-2012 Student Code of Conduct” that were requested by Board members at the March 29th, 2011 Workshop.
Our next Special Meeting/Workshop is April 26th, 2011 and the next Regular Board Meeting is May 10th, 2011 at 4:00pm. Hope to see you there!
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