Parents praise LPS SAC
Parents praise LPS SAC
Yesterday afternoon I participated in a School Advisory Council meeting at Lecanto Primary School. It was another excellent meeting of parents, students, community members, staff and administrators meeting and working in partnership for the school’s improvement. The meeting was Chaired well by parent Kim Jackson. The school administrator was there to assist and support the SAC and its leaders. The district SAC representative, Jen Greco was in attendance and contributed to aspects of the meeting especially those that pertained to her area of expertise. Parents, staff, and students all participated throughout the meeting. Principal Lofton, Vice-Principal Chandler, and Title 1 teacher Ms. Hayes all gave vital and important presentations that were well received, and then important and collaborative conversation followed. During the meeting Principal, Lofton shared the important role each SAC member has in helping make decisions and share information to help advance the school. Before the meeting was over some of the parents shared out about how grateful there were to have their students in Citrus County and LPS. One spoke about how they recently moved to Citrus County and how much they appreciated the collaborative partnership they have with the school in educating their students.
I left the meeting so proud and excited about the important work and representation SACs are doing in our schools!
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