Students apply ASAP to be a House Page or Messenger, deadline approaches

Students apply now to be a House Page or Messenger, deadline approaches

Deadline with Rep. Ralph Massullo‘s office is February 17, 2017, DO NOT DELAY!

Pages Week 1 - 2015 Regular SessionIt is that time of year again for House Representatives to select their Pages and Messengers for the 2017 Legislative Session.  Our local Representative Ralph Massullo‘s deadline is February 17, 2017. 12noon. For requirements click here to download information or see information below.

IMG_2201Each year State Representative’s such as Representative Ralph Massullo sponsors one Page and one Messenger from their districts to serve in the Florida House of Representatives. Being selected to serve in the House Representative Page and Messenger is a privilege and an honor. Pages and Messengers assist the Representatives during the Capitol’s busiest time of year, the legislative session.

3-04-2015_NE_TLH-4In addition to the application process Pages/Messengers may be asked to submit other information to help representatives  make their choice.

Mock SessionDuring this week the Pages and Messengers in addition to their duties, will tour the Florida Capitol, visited the Museum of Florida History, toured the Historic Capitol. met the Governor, attended House committee meetings, and participated in mock Legislative sessions in the House Chamber. Pages duties include being a ‘gopher’ for the House Representatives on the floor of the House Chambers. Pages deliver papers, messages and other items to the representatives. Messengers are not on the floor of the House but instead deliver messages throughout the Capital and surrounding city blocks for the representatives and their staff.

During the week Pages and Messengers learn basic parliamentary process and how a bill becomes a law and then develop a mock bill of their own. The Pages and Messengers have a mock session where they present their bill on Second Reading (answering questions) and then move to Third Reading (debating the bill) before closing on their bills. Finally, the Pages and Messengers vote on the bill. This is all done while the Pages and Messengers sit in the actual desks of the Florida Representatives and use the official voting system to vote.

Not only do the Pages and Messengers get to experience these wonderful opportunities but so did parents as they were allowed to accompany their child everywhere they went.

For more information on the Florida House of Representatives Page and Messenger program visiting


Click here for 2017 Page and Messenger letter

Click here for 2017 Page and Messenger Application
The application should be completed and returned by February 17, 2017 via email to or fax at (850)488-9707.

Common Sense High School Graduation Bill filed

Common Sense High School Graduation Bill filed

MassulloToday, Representative Ralph Massullo, MD filed HB407 one of the most positive, high school graduation requirement bills I have seen in years.

This bill would correct the reliance of students only passing a state test or getting a concordance score of the ACT in order to graduate high school.  Now students would have multiple pathways to standard high school diploma. In addition to meeting the course requirements, students could meet the graduation requirements by either passing the state Florida Standards Assessment (FSA), but also by instead by attaining an industry-recognized credential or certification, or demonstrating mastery the academic standards or competencies in a portfolio, or through receiving a high enough concordance score on numerous national and state assessments.

These multiple pathways mean that students will not be forced into a one size fits all graduation track.  Students can receive a high school diploma and career industry certifications which could lead to employment after high school.  Other students who excel in studies, but struggle passing exams would be able to demonstrate their mastery of standards through providing evidence of learning skills on multiple exams rather than a single state test.  All of this resulting in doing what is best for students.

We are grateful that Rep. Massullo listen to educators and filed this common sense legislation.  I encourage parents, teachers and students support this legislation and communicate that with your legislators.

Cayla’s Coats

Cayla’s Coats

279447_320821351348386_1542328166_oI have had great pleasure of seeing Jessica Barnes presentations of Cayla’s Coats a local non-profit organization that benefits our community by providing coats, blankets, scholarships for swim lessons, and drowning prevention and awareness.

Cayla’s Coats was started in memory of Jessica’s daughter Cayla Barnes. Cayla sadly drowned one afternoon in the waters of Homosassa at the age of one.

Their mission is to help spread the word of drowning prevention, as well as provide coats to the children of Citrus County. All coats that are collected are tagged and delivered to the elementary, middle and high schools within our county. The coats are then distributed to the students that are in need.

Last year Cayla’s Coats donated over 1,000 coats to students in our county. This year Cayla’s Coats are partnering with Nature Coast EMS to collect blankets to donate to the elderly population in our county.

For more information of Cayla’s Coats or to make a donation, please visit their website at and follow them on Facebook at .

LWVCC Student Poster Contest

LWVCC Student Poster Contest

“why vote”

poster contestThe League of Women Voters of Citrus County is sponsoring a poster contest on “why vote”, open to all Citrus County high school students.

The League of Women Voters of the United States was organized in 1920 by Carrie Chapman Catt shortly before the Women’s Suffrage Amendment was ratified. Its principal aim was to help newly enfranchised women become politically educated, responsible voting citizens. Today there are Leagues in every state, Puerto Rico, the District of Columbia and the Virgin Islands with about 130,000 members and supporters.

For more information, click on form or contact The League of Women Voters of Citrus County by visiting their website at

Shelter Me Citrus

Shelter Me Citrus

Shelter Me CitrusPets play a vital role in our lives.  They are non-judgmental, non-political and can provide near unconditional love.  Pets can be a comfort to those who live alone and provide companionship.

Shelter Me Citrus is a not-for profit organization that was formed for the purpose of obtaining funds to build a needed new Citrus County Animal Shelter in Lecanto. In addition to the capital fundraising project Shelter Me Citrus’s mission is to foster awareness of the animal shelter and the needs of the animals Citrus.

I support public-private projects such as this and I encourage you visit their webpage at, their Facebook page at Shelter Me Citrus, or email them at;

Happy New Year!

Happy-New-Year-2017-Images-1-1Happy New Year!

Let’s make some mistakes….

I read this today and thought it was a wonderful quote. It is a good challenge for our students and for the rest of us to do.

I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes.

Because if you are making mistakes, then you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself, changing yourself, changing your world. You’re doing things you’ve never done before, and more importantly, you’re Doing Something.

So that’s my wish for you, and all of us, and my wish for myself. Make New Mistakes. Make glorious, amazing mistakes. Make mistakes nobody’s ever made before. Don’t freeze, don’t stop, don’t worry that it isn’t good enough, or it isn’t perfect, whatever it is: art, or love, or work or family or life.

Whatever it is you’re scared of doing, Do it.

Make your mistakes, next year and forever.

~Neil Gaiman