Legislature Tells Schools Boards No Standing Required for Pledge

Legislature Tells Schools Boards No Standing Required for Pledge

Law passed in 2016 session, School Board Disagrees

CaptureA year ago the Florida State Legislature passed a “train bill” HB 7029 by huge margins.  I was against that bill (as I remain today) for many items that were in that bill.  Tuck into HB 7029 at the last minute was language that mandated that local school boards must, “… student shall be informed by a written notice published in the student handbook or a similar publication pursuant to s. 1006.07(2) that the student has the right not to participate in reciting the pledge. Upon written request by his or her parent, the student must be excused from reciting the pledge, including standing and placing the right hand over his or her heart.” This bill was signed into law and is now Florida Statute 1003.44.

The law previously permitted students to opt out of reciting the Pledge of Allegiance but still required students to stand.  Citrus County School’s policy reflected that as well.  I shared about this new change in Florida Statute last year in two articles; https://thomastalks.org/2016/07/06/misleading-report-learn-the-real-facts/ and https://thomastalks.org/2016/03/19/floridas-bright-future-a-legislative-session-review/. Unfortunately, at the time few people seem to me upset about it then.

Today during our School Board Workshop when the policy was presented for review I spoke out again about this new Florida Statute.  The rest of the school board also spoke up and disagreed with this law.

The Board asked the School Board’s attorney, Wes Bradshaw to present alternative language which would meet Florida Statute but emphasizes that students are required to stand for the Pledge, unless requested in writing by the parent or guardian.

If you are interested in watching the video on this part of the School Board Meeting visit; https://youtu.be/BdjRztAqptg

Varsity Sports Exemption Gets Boost from Senate

Varsity Sports Exemption Gets Boost from Senate  

Senator Flores Introduces Amendment

envision2-COLLAGEEvery train has some ‘cool’ cars too!  SB 926 maybe this year’s educational train bill and there are some good parts to it. This amendment is one of the good parts.

For a number of years I have been lobbying anyone that would listen in the Florida legislature to revise Florida Statute 1003.4282 to better apply participation in competitive athletics to the physical education wavier in high school.

This session Citrus County’s Florida House of Representative Ralph E. Massullo, MD, graciously ran HB 6015 and Senator Debbie Mayfield ran the Senate companion bill SB 782.  Yesterday in SB 926’s final committee stop in the Senate Rules Committee, Senator Anitere Flores introduced an amendment that includes the language that Rep. Massullo and Sen. Mayfield have in their bills respective bills and included it in SB 926.  This is most encouraging and positive. Sen. Flores’s SB 926 with this amendment passed Senate Rules Committee unanimously. Next SB 926 moves to the full Senate floor.

If passed what could result is a significant number of students that participate in interscholastic sports would no longer have to also take P.E. at the school or virtually and thereby give up other course options.

Florida law requires that a student achieves one-credit in physical education for graduation.  Currently there are P.E. waivers that a student can get if they successfully complete marching band, JORTC, dance and on a stricter basis, interscholastic sport, due to the courses’ physical endurance work. This amendment would improve the current statute to read, “Participation in an interscholastic sport at the junior varsity or varsity level for two full seasons shall satisfy the one-credit requirement in physical education.”

I appreciate Sen. Flores bring forward this amendment and Senator Wilton Simpson, who has also been encouraging and helping improve this statute.

Stay tune…

Gradebook Podcast talks to FSBA about 2017 Legislature

Gradebook Podcast talks to FSBA about 2017 Legislature

Andrea-Messena-2015Please listen to the Tampa Bay Times Gradebook podcast with host Time Education Reporter, Jeffrey Solochek as he interviews Florida School Boards Association’s executive director Andrea Messina to talk about the current Florida Legislative session.

Ms. Messina I have the highest respect for and she is one of our state’s leading public educational policy experts.  Ms. Messina is a former English teacher, Charlotte County School Board Member, and FSBA Professional Development Coordinator.  She was my new school board member, teacher when I was first elected to office and she is still someone I reach out to on many school board issues.

This Gradebook podcast addresses several issues that the Florida legislature is working on– in particular, capital dollar funding for school districts.

Ms. Messina does an excellent job explaining how current proposed legislation looks to further reduce, the already reduced capital funding to local school districts.

Please take the time and listen to the Gradebook Podcast: http://www.tampabay.com/blogs/gradebook/gradebook-podcast-floridas-legislative-session-at-halftime-and-school/2319534

Citrus cleans up at Florida State Science and Engineering Fair

Citrus cleans up at Florida State Science and Engineering Fair

C8QAQcGU0AMelv-District Science Special, Richard Crowley shared today that Citrus County students performed well at the 2017 Florida State Science and Engineering Fair. Congratulations to the winners and to all the students that advanced to the State level.

Citrus winners from the state science fair:

Kelly Laplante: 4th Place, Senior Division, Engineering category; AES

Truman Roland: 4th Place, Senior Division, Microbiology category; CHS

Joshua Brunk: 4th Place, Junior Division, Environmental Engineering category; IMS

Raine Leonard: Honorable Mention, Junior Division, Earth & Environmental Sciences category; CSMS

Alisa Luthra: Recognition Award, Senior Division, Environmental Engineering category; AES

Elise Leturno: Recognition Award, Junior Division, Animal Sciences; LMS

Bayley Edwards: Special Award ($25 from Lake County Regional Science & Engineering Fair), Senior
Division, Environmental Engineering Category, CRHS

Sierra Creasy: Special Award ($150 from American Society of Civil Engineers, Florida Section), Junior
Division, Engineering category, LMS

Robert Fowler: Special Award ($25 from Hillsborough Regional Science & Engineering Fair), Junior
Division, Animal Sciences category, CRMS

HB 373 State continues to take away local control

HB 373 State continues to take away local control

Worsens teacher shortage

bof_teacher_shortageRecently the Chronicle Editorial Board referred to our past state legislature as “hypocrites”, and they did with good reason. They shared, “…Florida Legislature is constantly complaining that the federal government — was always trying to tell them what to do.” The Editorial Board then went on to say, “the same members of the Florida Legislature turn around and do exactly what they accuse the federal government of doing. State government is constantly trying to tell local government how to do their business.”  (Read the editorial: http://www.chronicleonline.com/content/tallahassee-hypocrites-strike-again)

highstakestestingThis legislative session one of the bills that continues to remove local control and interferes with the retaining of and attracting of competent teachers is HB 373 (companion bill SB 856), the bill if passed would, “Prohibits district school board from awarding annual contract for instructional personnel under certain circumstances; prohibits district school board from altering or limiting its authority to award or not award annual contract; provides applicability.”

2075994011-teacherblameOver the last decade the state legislature in Florida and state legislatures around the country have passed law after law that has caused fewer and fewer individuals to be interested in becoming teachers and have also caused those that are teachers to leave the profession.  In fact, the Orlando Sentinel reported this week, “40 percent of teachers leaving Florida’s public schools [will leave the profession] within five years after starting”.

In 2011, the Florida Legislature passed and was signed into law SB 736 that among many things, tied teachers’ salaries to student’s grades and test scores. It also required all school districts to adopt new salary schedules with new state requirements.

teachersSB 736, also took away the freedom that local districts and bargaining units had to locally negotiate equitable agreements. Under the SB 736 laws all new teachers hired after July 1, 2012 would no longer have “continuing contract”. Meaning if you were doing a good job there was no guarantee that you couldn’t be fired (or non-renewed) at the end of every school year without cause. For those that felt called to the noble profession of teaching continuing contract was an important benefit for the limited salary an individual could earn compared to that of working outside of the teaching profession.

SB 736, took away continuing contract way from newly hired teachers. It is interesting to know that SB 736 only took away continuing contract for teachers, in fact no other law in Florida for any other professions has takes away continuing contract.  Public school teachers were and continue to be targeted in this way.

Following the period after SB 736 passed into law districts and bargaining units in order to retain good teachers understood that some type of continuing contract offering was essential, and so districts added language to contracts to help give limited assurances to teachers that if they had met their annual expectations and had received at least an effective rating on their annual evaluation that they would be retained for the coming school year. The fear was that some in the legislature that had targeted the teaching profession when they passed SB 736 would try and pass new laws to stop districts from doing this.  Enter 2017 and HB 373.

Florida’s teaching shortage is not likely to improve anytime soon.  It will get worse before it will get better. Bills like HB 373 will only serve to make matters worse and continue to have Tallahassee control more of our local government’s decisions.

I urge you to contact your legislators and ask them not to support HB 373 and SB 856, as these bills only makes the matters of our teacher shortage worse for our schools and students.

Commissioners Restore School Impact Fees

Commissioners Restore School Impact Fees

THANK YOU COMMISSIONERS!!! 4-to-1 vote for students and school

Citrus_CountyAt Tuesday’s, March 14th, 2017, Citrus County Commission’s Special Board Meeting on Impact fees restoration, Commissioners heard from county departments, community stakeholders and Superintendent of Schools Sandra “Sam” Himmel and Citrus Schools Chief Finance Officer Ken Blocker.

After Superintendent Himmel and Mr. Blocker spoke with publicly Commissioners, the commissioners voted 4-to-1 to support restoring school impact fees. I want to especially thank Chairman Commissioner Scott Carnahan, Commissioner Ron Kitchen, Commissioner Jeff Kinnard, and Commissioner Brian Coleman for not only their vote of support of properly funding school capital, increasing infrastructure, but also for their research and knowledge of the school capital funding needs and limitations.

Students, parents, teachers, staff and schools were given a clear positive message from the BOCC today. Please, when you have an opportunity, reach out to these commissioners and thank them for their support.