Tally Ho

Tally Ho

Days at the Legislator…

IMG_0450As I write this I am in Tallahassee, sitting in the gallery overlooking the Florida House of Representatives Chambers as HB 5001 – General Appropriations Act (more commonly known as the House budget) and the ominous education “train bill” HB 7055 is debated and voted on. Like many of you, I am shaking my head saying, “can we really be again in the same position”? The response isn’t easy, but as disappointed I am on one side I must remain diligent in the work we now must do. The work for today, tomorrow, next week and for next session. I am causally optimistic about public education’s future. Why? One, because we must, for our students’ and teachers’ sake, but also, because there is reason to be.

Yes, the House passed their version of the budget, and yes HB 7055 also passed the House. Both largely along party lines. But it is also clear that while today things were unclear and unsettling, there will be House leadership changes after this session. I know it is said that we have good representation in the legislature in Senate Wilton Simpson and Representative Dr. Ralph Massullo and that is true, but it is more than simply that.

SimpsonSenator Simpson is on track to assume the Senate presidency in 2020. This will provide the Senator great control in advancing his agenda. I believe Simpson to be a strong supporter of career pathways for our high school students. A passion of mine as well and this is essential to Florida’s economic future, let alone is best for students.

MassulloIn addition to Simpson’s continual leadership in the Senate is what is developing in the House. There will be a change in leadership and potential opportunities for new leaders to emerge. Dr. Massullo is one that many of his House peers greatly respect and feel will continue to play a vital role in the House’s future leadership. That is excellent for students and families! Why? Because simply put, Dr. Massullo “gets it”. He has been willing to put his “bills” where his heart is. Where his heart is, is students and their individual academic needs. As I talked to “education friendly” House members—Dr. Massullo’s name is one of the ones they bring up as being a powerful friend to common sense public education policy. This year’s Dr. Massullo filed HB 311 providing common sense alternatives to high-stake testing, and are but one of those examples, as is his co-sponsoring of HB 427. Watching Dr. Massullo on the floor of the House of Representatives, it is evident that he values and respectfully listens to all House members views whether he agrees or not. But major improvements to issues that we know are vital to public education and our students will likely have to wait for a future session. In the meantime, thank you Dr. Massullo and Senator Simpson!

We turn our attention back to this session. Now that the House has passed their budget and HB 7055 will be sent to the Senate to be conferenced. We now turn our attention to the Senate. Today Florida Senate President Joe Negron told reporters that the Senate will not agree to have HB 7055 as part of the budget conference. He went on to say that the bill should be sent to Senate committees for the Senate to consider. While this may slow the adoption and approval process of HB 7055 down, it by no means stops the bill. President Negron noted that most of what is in HB 7055 is probably supported by the GOP majority. That doesn’t mean it won’t change. Expect amendments to be filed and negotiations to begin between the House and the Senate.

Continue to keep informed and I will do my best to share information. Continue to share with legislators about our students’ and teachers’ needs. And for those of faith, pray for wisdom for these policymakers.

CCSB 2018 Winter Communication

CCSB-Winter-Communication-2018CCSB 2018 Winter Communication

This 2018 district winter communication includes coverage and information about; Teacher of the Year and School-Related Employee of the Year, Parents’ Guide to the Florida Standards (FS) and Testing Tips, 2018 Kids Marathon, Schoolhouse Hustle, Math Field Day and the 20th Annual Superintendent’s Golf Classic.

Follow this link to download a PDF version: https://thomastalks.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/CCSB-Winter-Communication-2018.pdf



Free FAFSA workshop at CF

Free FAFSA workshop at CF

27655383_873667592815568_808155582816671398_nParents of College Bound students: The College of Central Florida – Lecanto Campus – is offering a free FAFSA workshop on Weds., Feb. 7, from 5:30-7:30.

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is the key to obtaining federal financial aid like grants, work-study, student loans, and some scholarships used to pay for college.

The purpose is to assist students and parents with completing the FAFSA application. Space is limited, so please register at http://trio-fafsa-workshops.eventbrite.com

PTA issues Take Action Alert to push support for HB 311 and HB 427

PTA issues Take Action Alert to push support for HB 311 and HB 427

HB 311 and HB 427 reduces manadted testing and is good for students and teachers!

If you are for REDUCED MANDATED TESTING, increased alternatives and against student’s grades being tied to teacher evaluations then please PLEASE read!

Today the Florida PTA who represent over 300,000 Florida members made up of parents, grandparents, teachers and community members issued a plea to our legislature to support HB 311 and HB 427. (Read PTA message below.)

If the Florida House is crafting a large education bill with HB 7055, I implore them and us to encourage them to incorporate HB 311 and HB 427 into HB 7055.  BETTER YET, ASK THAT HB 311 AND HB 427 BE HEARD IN COMMITTEE.

Please contact legislators today!




Thank you for your continuing interest in Legislative session 2018!

This past week, the House has been pushing through HB 7055, which is a train bill similar to HB 7069. This legislation is steamrolling several bills into one, each of which should be heard on its own merit.

HB 311 and HB 427 are two good pieces of legislation that have yet to be heard in committee. This new legislation, respectively, provides alternative pathways to a standard high school diploma and will eliminate unneeded testing by allowing school districts to set teacher salary schedules removing the merit pay requirement currently in law.

The Florida PTA urges you to call your House Representative and urge them to support or co-sponsor HB 311 and HB 427.

Florida PTA supporting HB 311/SB 788 and HB 427

Florida PTA supporting HB 311/SB 788 and HB 427

PTA puts students first!

Floida PTA Communication 01-18-2018I was excited today to receive Florida PTA’s ‘Welcome to Legislative Session 2018’ communication.  Florida PTA is a well-respected organization that advocates for the needs of our public school students and families.

In the communication Florida PTA shared their support for these bills which I believe are vital to students, HB 311/SB 788 and HB 427/SB 1324.

HB 311/SB 788 – Alternative High School Graduation Requirements sponsored by Representative Dr. Ralph Massullo and Senator Bill Montford.  This bill states if a student fails to satisfy the grade 10 ELA assessment or Algebra I EOC assessment graduation requirements, the student may be eligible to complete an alternative pathway to graduation.​  Allows a student to graduate by earning an industry certification or providing a portfolio containing quantifiable evidence of subject mastery.

HB 427/SB 1324 – Instructional Personnel and School Administrator Salary Schedules sponsored by Representative Rene Plascenia and co-sponsored Representative Dr. Ralph Massullo and Senator Debbie Mayfield. This bill authorizes districts to set their own salary schedule; Authorizing, rather than requiring, the adoption of performance salary schedule (merit pay). This would reduce the amount our students are tested as there are many assessments given to students just to evaluate teachers.

Thank you, Florida PTA, for supporting our students and these important legislative bills.

Follow this link to read entire Florida PTA communication: https://thomastalks.org/5u0B1

New Citrus Blessings Video debutes

New Citrus Blessings Video debutes

I am honored to serve on the Board of Citrus County Harvest,Inc. a non-profit that operates Citrus Blessings.
Citrus Blessings program is dedicated to silencing the weekend hunger of local children in need. Each week during school year participants receive a bag of food to take home for the weekend. The food distributed is supplied through community donations and purchased items from the Community Food Bank of Citrus County.
Recently, Blessings producted a new video sharing about our community’s needs.