Citrus Schools and YMCA partnership shared

Citrus Schools and YMCA partnership shared

So proud today to share with Dr. Kent (Every Child a Swimmer- and Rowdy Gaines (Step Into Swim – about the Citrus County School District & Citrus County YMCA – 2nd grade Water Safety and swim introduction program. This is now a near two-decade program that every second grader in Citrus County Schools participates in.

The Florida Health Department shares that, “From 2017 to 2019 combined, Florida was ranked the highest in the U.S. for unintentional drowning death rate among children ages 1 to 4 years (6.29 per 100,000 population). Florida had the highest unintentional drowning death rate of 3.28 per 100,000 population among children 0 to 9 years of age compared to other states. Annually there are enough children under the age of 5 lost to drowning (67 in 2017, 74 in 2018 and 50 in 2019) to fill three or four preschool classrooms.(Source:

I shared about this partnership when the agreement was approved by the school board. Follow this link to read more: School Board’s agreement on Y pool will save lives –

Chronicle Editorial Board also shared about the agreement saying at the time, “These types of partnerships benefit everyone. YMCA expanded the size of its pool and increased its impact on the community by taking over the swimming safety program. The school district is saving over $400,000 while also utilizing the facility for swim meets and practices. County businesses will also see a benefit with the influx of visitors to the swim meets.” Read more at

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving

At this time perhaps more than ever it is so vital that we take the time and thank each of those in our lives for the great blessings that they are each and every day. I am so grateful to the students in Citrus County who every day are meeting the challenges to be successful individuals. I am so thankful for the teachers, educators, and staff that support our students in every way. Thank you to our great community who are generous with their resources and their hearts for our students, schools, and community. I am grateful to our state and national leaders who are working to provide opportunities. I am so thankful that I live and serve in Citrus County. I am grateful to our community for their support of our family. And I am thankful to my wife, son, and daughter, and I am thankful to God for them in my life. God bless you all and have a happy Thanksgiving.

Thankful for these great organizations

Thankful for these great organizations

Thank you for all you do!

During this time of Thanksgiving, we have so much to be thankful for in our school district, community, state, and our great country. While we’ve had a couple of challenging years are community has and will continue to thrive. They are so many organizations and people that we are thankful for. There are just so many to name but here are just some of the ones that I happen to work closely with to help better meet the needs of our students, staff, schools, and community.

Citrus County Education Foundation and Shaunda Burdette and her teams for their tirelessly working to meet all the many needs of our students, families, teachers, and our schools.

Citrus County Blessings and Christina Reed, the leadership and BOD team, and the near 900 volunteers (yes that number is correct), including the Student Board Representatives and student volunteers that ensure our Citrus students’ bellies have food on the weekends, holidays, and summers.

Phil Royal Legacy Foundation and April Royal and her teams for the incredible initiatives they are constantly supporting for students. Including but not limited to the Phil Royal EMT program at the CRHS Academy of Health Careers, the student bike safety & helmet program, the anti-bullying & safe students initiatives, and so so much more.

Sun Coast Swim Team and their coaches not only for supporting competitive swimming in our community but also for supporting all our high school swimmers and swim teams by donating their time timing high school swim meets and supporting the high school teams and coaches.

Lifesouth Community Blood Center and the many donators who make sure there is blood supply in our local community and throughout the southeast. In addition, the Lifesouth Foundation who provides scholarships and resources to our local communities and students.

YMCA Citrus Memorial Health Foundation and director David Reed and the other amazing leaders and staff who continuously provide essential low-cost to no-cost services for our students and community. In addition, their partnering with the school system has led to so many direct and indirect benefits to our students and community.

United Way of Citrus County for helping support our students and families in our community and working with the many not-for-profit‘s to ensure they are supported and needs are being met.

Citrus Builders Academy, the board of directors, Harold Walker, and the Citrus County Builders Alliance for their incredible support of our new construction engineer programs and the incredible mobile workshop.

The list of other great organizations and volunteers goes on and on and we are grateful to all of them.

We also need to give a special thanks to the many many businesses and individuals that are supporting our organizations and students.

If you are able to support any of these or other organizations that directly or indirectly support our students please support them with financial gifts, prayers, and continual volunteering.

Thank you to all of them and you for continually making Citrus great!

Upward Bound awards are back!

Upward Bound awards are back!

After nearly 18 months of being paused due to the pandemic, this week the Ray Darling Rotary Upward Bound Awards ceremonies were back for elementary, middle, and high school. I was so grateful to be able to attend both the elementary and middle/high school awards.

For over 25 years now these quarterly awards now named for its founder Ray Darling are given to students at the elementary, middle, and high school level by their schools for making individual strides and accomplishments. Many students in our school system quietly make significant improvements in their academic and personal lives.  These accomplishments might go unrecognized if not for the Upward Bound Award.

Click here to learn more about Raymond “Ray” Darling

We are so grateful to the Citrus County Rotary Clubs and the Rotarians who support, sponsor and volunteer to make these awards and ceremonies possible for our Citrus students.  This quarter’s host was Central Citrus Rotary Club.

Special thanks to Citrus County Sheriff’s Sergeant Jon Holtzhouse who is one of the leaders of the CCSO School Resource Program for his great message to our middle and high school students.

Veteran’s Day 2021

James E. Kennedy, Sr.

James E. Kennedy, Sr. Pvt., US Army National Guard,147th AAA Detachment Operations, 1954.

Veteran’s Day 2021

“11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month”

Today on Veterans Day, we thank the many Veterans of our great country for the service and sacrifice made for our freedom.

Come to the Veteran’s Day Parade in Inverness on Tuesday (11th/11th/11th) at 10:00am and ending on the 11th hour.  This is one of our country’s largest Veteran’s Day Parades and is always well attended and involves many of our students and schools.

I want to pause and take a personal moment to thank just a few of the Veterans in my family for our freedom, some who has now passed and others still living;

  • James E. Kennedy, Sr. (Father) US Army National Guard, Korea
  • James E. Kennedy, Jr. (Brother) US Army
  • Frank Kennedy (Grandfather) US Army, WWI & WWII
  • Thomas Cobb (Father-in-Law) US Army, Vietnam
  • Earl Cobb (Grandfather-in-Law) US Army, WWII
  • Kenneth Mallette Sr (Uncle) US Army, Korea
  • Sue Sturgeon (Aunt) US Army, Vietnam
  • John Kennedy (Cousin) US Marines
  • Joseph Mallette (Cousin) US Army
  • Michael Mallette (Cousin) US Army
  • Don Mallette (Cousin) US Army
  • Henry Kenaston (Uncle) US Army

A few of the Veterans in my family. We have many more cousins and other relatives. I am so grateful for all there service,

The list of very close friends and extended family is even longer. Thank you for the great lives and freedoms we enjoy each and every day!

God Bless America!




Encouraged by Governor DeSantis education budget priorities

Encouraged by Governor DeSantis education budget priorities

Today Governor DeSantis announced his budget proposal for the upcoming year. I am very encouraged by both the priorities and potential funding. It is earlier in the process but there is reason to be excited!

Extra thanks to Gov. DeSantis for continuing to make workforce education a high priority. We must continue to focus on workforce certification and job-ready training opportunities for our high school students.

A few of the highlights of the proposal include:

  • $600m to boost teacher pay – increase average minimum salary. (This is a $50m increase from last year)
  • $8,000 in per pupil funding
  • $124 increase in base student allocation
  • $421m for school safety & mental health initiatives
  • $15.5m to replace the FSA with the new progress monitoring system. (This will be recurring.)
  • $534m to support workforce education programs (Very excited about this!)

To read the Governor’s press release on today’s announcement with more details visit-