Posted on May 13th, 2022 by
Thomas E Kennedy
Consortium of Florida Education Foundations SAC Panelist
What an honor it was to be a panelist for the Consortium of Florida Education Foundations at their Strategic Advisory Council. These are an impressive group of professionals and stakeholders from throughout Florida and the nation helping to assist in supporting our schools through our Education Foundations. We shared and collaborated about meeting the needs of our students, schools, and community
ies. I spent time bragging about our own local Citrus County Education Foundation and our community partners and the work we do together for our Citrus County students and schools. It was clear Citrus is a positive model around the state and nation.
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Posted on May 11th, 2022 by
Thomas E Kennedy
2022 4H Public Speaking Regional School Contest Winners present at CCSB
Nothing better than a school board meeting packed with student presentations with lots of students and families attending. Thank you to Megan Furniss and Becky Harris for their coordinating the competition for the Citrus County School District and special thanks to 4H for sponsoring the event!
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Posted on May 3rd, 2022 by
Thomas E Kennedy
Teen Heart screenings again offered by Who We Play For
Dates available at CRHS, CHS and LHS
Heart screenings are again being offered at our three high schools by Who We Play For (WWPF), a not-for-profit out of Melbourne, Florida who provides efficient and non-invasive heart screenings to communities across the country. WWPF’s mission is to eliminate preventable sudden cardiac death in the young through affordable heart screenings. Citrus County School is again opening up our schools to WWPF who will be offering the screenings from 5-8 p.m. Tuesday, May 10, at Crystal River High School; from 5-8 p.m. Wednesday, May 11, at Citrus High School and from 4-8 p.m. Thursday, May 12, at Lecanto High School. Screenings are available at a reduced cost of $20.
To register and pay online visit and then choose which school location you will be going to.
For more information on the screenings and Who We Play For, visit their website at
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Posted on May 2nd, 2022 by
Thomas E Kennedy
Veterans in the Classroom Appreciation Luncheon
One of the special programs we have in Citrus County Schools is our Veterans in the Classroom. This program is 29 years old and has impacted nearly 100,000 students during that time. The program brings U.S. States former Military Servicemen and women to speak to students in our school’s classrooms. This is one of the largest programs like it (per capita) in the nation.
This year over 4,000 students in all our elementary, middle, and high schools had one of the 53 Veterans from the program speak to the students about their military service. They share about the work they did in the military, how it helped contribute to becoming the person they are, and the love of our great country. The students of all ages are so fascinated by the stories and information these amazing Veterans talk about.
During today’s Appreciation luncheon hosted by the Citrus County School District, the Veterans receive a lunch prepared by the Withlacoochee Technical College Culinary students, the Citrus High School (CHS) AJROTC Honor Guard presented “The Colors”, and the CHS Chorale and students from Pleasant Grove Elementary provided some wonderful entertainment. One of the most moving parts of the Appreciation event is one by one they go around the room and give each attending Veteran the opportunity to introduce themselves, tell about their military service and their experience teaching in the Veterans in the Classroom program. It is so moving. The message each of these men and women share about their life often bonds them as brothers and sisters in arms. It is also evident the love these men and women have for our country, the VIC program, and our students. Col. Curt Ebitz, U.S. Army (Retired) and Adjutant Officer and Historian for the Aaron A. Weaver Chapter 776 Military Order of the Purple Heart shared that he has been doing this since the beginning of the program (29 years).
God Bless each and every Veteran that gives of themselves to this great program. Thank you to Al Balk, District Instructional Specialist for Social Studies K-12 who coordinates the Veterans in the Classroom with the Military Officers Association of America (MOAA).
If you are a Veteran interested in becoming a participant in the next Veterans in the Classroom program, please contact Mr. Balk at 352-726-1931 ext. 2490 or or contact Citrus County MOAA –
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Posted on April 28th, 2022 by
Thomas E Kennedy
Kennedy speaks at Kennedy Space Center AMF new STEM curriculum launch
What a great honor it was today to represent Citrus County School District and the Florida School Board Association (FSBA) and speak at the launch of a new no-cost innovative “STEAM” (Science-Technology-Engineering-Arts-Math) initiative and curriculum. NASA Astronaut Captain Winston Scott, former Florida Senator Bill Montford, and Florida Representative & The Astronauts Memorial Foundation Executive Director Thad Altman announced the Mission One STEAM initiative and curriculum.
Mission One STEAM initiative is being developed in collaboration with many Aerospace and Community Partners. It will be made available in the future to public, private, and home schools. In addition, the Mission One STEAM project will offer onsite special activities, events, and competitions at the AMF Center for Space Education in the Kennedy Space Center.
Inspiring space exploration, aerospace engineering, and STEAM is not new for Citrus County Schools. Citrus has helped produce a number of former Citrus Schools students that work in the air-space industry including NASA Engineer Dr. Eric Stewart. (Read more about Dr. Stewart at
Thank you to The Astronaut Memorial Foundation, Mark III, Rotary International, The Boys & Girls Clubs of Tampa Bay, and NASA Hunch for their support of the Mission One STEAM Initiative and this event. Special thanks to The Astronauts Memorial Foundation, Florida Representative Thad Altman, and Matt Susin, Brevard County School Board Member for making this event possible.
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Filed under: Blog Posts, News & Updates
Posted on April 26th, 2022 by
Thomas E Kennedy
Scuba coming (back) to CRHS NJROTC, shared at SAC
Some exciting news coming out of yesterday’s Crystal River High School’s School Advisory Council (SAC) meeting that I attended. CRHS’s Navy Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps (NJROTC) looks to begin this coming fall a certified divers option for cadets. CRHS NJROTC Senior Chief Maurice Perine and Tom Gotterup a local Rotarian, AES Board Member, and scuba instructor presented the program which will be modeled off of the Academy of Environmental Science program. Cadets would participate in an eight-week program and if they pass will be Naui certified as an Open Water Scuba Diver.
Cadets will have to qualify to be eligible to enter the program with both academic and behavioral requirements in order to participate. It will be a greatly reduced fee-based program, and scholarship options are being looked at to accommodate all students that qualify.
This actually is not the first time CRHS has had such a program in their NJROTC. The school’s NJROTC previously had one of the county’s first school based scuba program a number of years ago. In addition, funds will be raised to address scuba equipment needs for the program.
Underwater exploration fits right in line with the objectives of the CRHS NJROTC Naval science program. CRHS NJROTC is a nationally recognized as a Distinguished Unit.
Parents, community members, school staff, and administration were very excited about the presentation and supported it.
There are still many details to work out but this was exciting news and just another example of the valuable work for students that comes out of the school advisory council‘s.
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