Posted on August 9th, 2022 by
Thomas E Kennedy
iPad insurance is now available for purchase and it’s less expensive than in years past, only $19.50 for $0 deductible on your child’s iPad. Please visit to enroll online OR enroll by phone at 877-307-6777.

Click on image to enlarge!
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Posted on August 3rd, 2022 by
Thomas E Kennedy
Girl Scout Cookies & High Tea Event
Far more than just cookies!
What a great time participating in the Girl Scout Cookies & High Tea Event put on by the Girl Scouts of West Central Florida and Commissioner Ruth Schlabach. It was a powerful opportunity to learn more about the Girl Scouts and their goals for Citrus County.
The Girl Scouts are 2.7 million strong—1.9 million girls and 800,000 adults who believe in the power of every girl to change the world. Currently, there are over 200 Girl Scouts in Citrus County programs, but they working to expand that to 800 by 2025.
Through the Girl Scout Leadership Experience—a collection of engaging, challenging, and fun activities like earning badges, going on awesome trips, entrepreneurship, exploring science, getting outdoors, and doing community service projects. These age-appropriate opportunities are for those in Grades K-1, Brownies. Grades 2-3, Juniors. Grades 4-5, Cadettes. Grades 6-8, Seniors. Grades 9-10, and Ambassadors. Grades 11-12.
If you are interested in becoming in Girl Scouts today visit-
Thank you, Commissioner Schlabach, and all the leaders that made the event possible and for your work to promote Girl Scouts!
We are excited about the future growth for Citrus County girls and families and for opportunities to help continue to promote these amazing ladies!
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Filed under: News & Updates
Posted on August 3rd, 2022 by
Thomas E Kennedy
Welcome Back Teacher Celebration!
Thank you to all the team members that put together our welcome back to teachers yesterday! Special thanks to the Citrus County Education Foundation and their community partners for sponsoring this event. Because of CCEF and their partners once again no district funds funded this event.
Shout out to some of our Cheerleaders from CHS, LHS and CRHS who came and cheered our teachers are they arrived!
During the keynote presentation which resembled a football celebration, Superintendent Himmel honored our Citrus County School Guardians for their work protecting our students and staff.
It is always a special day participating in the district-wide teach welcome back event and seeing everyone in place at one time. I have had the honor of knowing many of these professionals for over 30 years. Some have taught my children, some either my wife or I have worked with, and a growing few I have known since they were in elementary school as students.
Thank you, teachers, for your commitment to our students, their families and your schools. Our prayers and support go with you are you begin the 2022-2023 school year!
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Filed under: News & Updates
Posted on July 29th, 2022 by
Thomas E Kennedy
CRHS NJROTC scuba class begins
These Plankowners are anchors away!
A few months ago a mission began to bring an additional specialized learning and leadership opportunity to the Crystal River High School Naval Science Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps. That opportunity would be for junior and senior level Cadets to become NAUI scuba certified. On Thursday, July 28, 2022, these ‘Plankowners’ began their classroom instruction in the media center at CRHS. (Plankoeners is a Naval term to describe an individual who was an initial commissioned member of the crew.)
This opportunity did not happen easily it took a coordinated effort from CRHS Naval Science Instructors Chief Warrant Officer Liz Rivera and Senior Chief Maurice Perine, Kings Bay Rotarian, and retired Marine Tom Gotterup, the local NAUI instructors, and the CRHS and Citrus School Districts Administrators. In addition, a special significate donation to the CRHS NJROTC was provided for the initial scuba equipment for the program to begin.
Through these efforts, the young Cadets and their instructors will be the Plankowners of this program at CRHS NJROTC. This experience will provide new special skills and expose them to the possibilities of underwater careers and opportunities.
Thank you to all the community members, educators, parents, and other supporters that have made this program possible for our CRHS NJROTC Cadets!
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Filed under: News & Updates
Posted on July 28th, 2022 by
Thomas E Kennedy
Another successful Summer Rise program
What an amazing day participating in “mock interviews” with students at the 2022 Citrus Summer Rise Program listing to students’ stories and providing them insight on how best to promote themselves.
Nearly 100 rising seniors participated in the program this year in Citrus County. The program helps provide students with the necessary tools to be more effective as they plan and develop their post-high school opportunities. This is one of the only programs like this in Florida.
Students learn about College and career options, scholarship opportunities, how to apply for college and complete applications, speak with college students from Citrus about college cultures, how to apply for financial assistance, learn about Job applications and interviewing skills, and Workplace preparation.
I have been honored to be a part of the planning team for these events which are now in their fourth year.
We could not do this Summer Rise program without our strategic community partners. Thank you:
Citrus County Coalition for College & Careers
Citrus County School District
YMCA Suncoast Lecanto
Citrus County Education Foundation
Citrus County Chronicle
College of Central Florida
Withlacoochee Technical College
Florida College Access Network
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Filed under: News & Updates
Posted on July 26th, 2022 by
Thomas E Kennedy
77th Annual Joint Conference planning
Was in Tallahassee on Monday as part of the planning team for the 77th Annual Joint Conference FSBA | FADSS | FSBAA | FERMA | SUNSPRA | FELL.
So grateful to all the associations and educators to contributed to this important planning. Excited about this important conference and training. We will be providing our important new school board member training, chairmanship training, break-out session, and much.
Those that attended the planning and who will have representatives at the conference and training are:
Florida Association of District School Superintendents, Sunshine State Public Relations Association, Florida Educational Risk Managers Association, Florida School Board Attorneys Association, District, Florida Educational Legislative Liaisons, Florida Educational Negotiators.
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