Celebrate Literacy Week

Celebrate Literacy Week

Today, I had the pleasure of reading “The Day the Crayons Quit” by Drew Daywalt to Ms. Kristel Frati’s 3rd grade class at Citrus Springs Elementary School as part of Celebrate Literacy Week, Florida. This event is an important part of the “Just Read, Florida” initiative, a statewide reading program through the Florida Department of Education. It is designed to raise awareness about the importance of reading and to inspire Florida’s students and families to make reading part of their daily routines.

As I read the book, I made a text-to-self connection with the students by relating the letters from the crayons in the story to letters I receive as a school board member. The students were so engaged and made many high-order connections. They were fascinated by the idea that even crayons can have their own voice and opinions.

I have to give a special thank you to Ms. Frati for creating such an engaging and interactive reading experience for her students. Reading is a fundamental skill that is essential for success in school and in life. It helps to develop language, comprehension, and critical thinking skills. It also opens up a world of knowledge and imagination, and can be a source of entertainment and enjoyment.

That’s why Celebrate Literacy Week, Florida is so important. It helps to raise awareness about the benefits of reading and encourages families and students to make reading part of their daily routines.

I had an amazing time reading to Ms. Frati’s class today and seeing their excitement and engagement as they listened to the story.

Literacy Week is another great opportunity for us to come together as a community to promote the importance of reading and to encourage students and families to make it a regular part of their lives. I would like to give a big thank you to Ms. Frati for creating such a great reading experience for her students. Happy reading!


Check-out Jake Reynold

Check-out Jake Reynold

Attention all country music lovers! Meet Jake Reynold, a talented former Citrus County School student who is making waves in the local music scene and beyond. Jake writes and records country music. Jake’s unique sound is authentic and true to the roots of country music. He is a true artist and his passion for music shines through in every performance.

Jake is a firm believer in the power of God and his faith is evident in his music. He says “Ain’t no pop country here! God is Great!” He infuses his music with meaningful messages and spirituality, making his performances truly moving and inspiring.

If you’re looking for some real country music, be sure to check out Jake Reynold’s music. You won’t be disappointed! Follow him on social media to stay updated on his upcoming performances and new releases.

Social Media


FSBA leaders attend COSSBA Leadership seminar and training

FSBA leaders attend COSSBA Leadership seminar and training

As President of the Florida School Board Association (FSBA), I was grateful to have the opportunity to attend the Consortium of State School Boards Associations (COSSBA) Leadership seminar and training, alongside FSBA President-Elect Tina Certain and FSBA Executive Director Andrea Messina. The COSSBA Leadership Seminar is designed for school board members who serve on their state association’s board of directors, who are considered “leaders of leaders” in shaping the policies and direction of their state’s educational system. FSBA is a founding member of this new national nonpartisan consortium, which brings together state school boards associations to share ideas, best practices, and resources.

The seminar featured presentations from experts in the field, including Dr. Jim Johnson, a professor at UNC Chapel Hill, who discussed the demographic headwinds that have enormous implications for America’s future workforce, workplaces, and consumer markets. Another highlight was the presentation by Tim Weisheyer, a former FSBA President, who spoke about the importance of understanding one’s role and responsibilities as a leader. Andrea Messina, along with other Executive Directors, gave an excellent presentation on “Association Leadership Through the Power of Positive Governance” that discussed the role of governance and leadership in driving the success of state school boards associations.

The seminar also covered how to differentiate the work of local school boards and state school boards associations’ board of directors. Attendees learned how to encourage their boards to enhance the mission and vision of the association, build trust and communications with member districts, and foster the development of leadership necessary for the association to maintain the continuity of its work and the trust of its members.

The COSSBA Leadership was an important opportunity to understand the concerns and interests of our member school boards and to develop the leadership skills necessary to effectively represent them.

High School Internship Program in Integrated Mathematical Oncology (HIP IMO)

High School Internship Program in Integrated Mathematical Oncology (HIP IMO)

The High school student Internship Program in Integrated Mathematical Oncology (HIP IMO) is an exciting opportunity for high school students aged 16 or older to gain interdisciplinary research experience in the field of cancer research. The program, which takes place at the Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa, Florida, is designed to prepare students for careers in cancer research and includes a mentored summer training program.”

HIP IMO applications are now being accepted summer 2023. The program will run June 5 – July 28, 2023. HIP IMO is an integrated mathematical oncology-centric internship program that delivers interdisciplinary team science research experiences for high school students ages 16 or older by the time of the internship. This mentored summer training program is designed for motivated aspiring scientists to help prepare them for interdisciplinary cancer research careers.

Working under the direction and guidance of faculty/scientist mentors in the Integrated Mathematical Oncology (IMO) department, interns are involved in activities designed to foster the development of life-long research skills. Students will be assigned individual research projects appropriate to their interests and abilities.

Details and application :  https://moffitt.org/hipimo

Applications are due by Feb. 1.

First Education Foundation BOD meeting

First Education Foundation BOD meeting

Attending my first Citrus County Education Foundation (CCEF) Board of Directors meeting as the new Citrus County School Board representative was an enlightening experience. As a long-time supporter of CCEF, I was excited to have the opportunity to be more directly involved in the organization’s efforts to enhance the education of Citrus County students.

The meeting began with a presentation from Executive Director Shaunda Burdette, who discussed the organization’s recent accomplishments and future plans. I am always so impressed by the wide range of programs and initiatives that CCEF funds and supports. These programs not only provide financial support for students, teachers and schools, but also recognize and celebrate the outstanding students and educators in our community.

This is an amazing group of board members and supporters, and I am excited to be more involved in CCEF’s efforts to enhance education in Citrus County. I look forward to working with the other members to continue to support and improve education in our great community.

LifeSouth Integral Phlebotomy Internship Program

LifeSouth Integral Phlebotomy Internship Program

I was thrilled on Tuesday to attend LifeSouth Blood Center‘s annual internship program for senior high school students. This program is a great opportunity for students to gain valuable skills and experience in the field of healthcare. LifeSouth Blood Center is a non-profit organization that has been serving the community since 1978. They collect, process, and distribute blood and blood products to hospitals and patients in need. The training provided in the internship program will include both online and hands-on components, tailored to the students’ learning plans. The students will work alongside LifeSouth employees and learn the skills of phlebotomy, which is the process of collecting blood from donors.

The inaugural interns for the program are three students from Crystal River High School’s Academy of Health Careers: Samantha B. Lopez, Emily Ivory, and Sophia Monsalve. The program will involve 80 hours of training and work, with students completing 4-5 hours per week from January to May at LifeSouth locations.

Blood donation is a vital and life-saving act that helps ensure that there is an adequate blood supply for people in need. Blood products are used for a wide range of medical treatments, including surgeries, cancer treatments, and emergency situations. LifeSouth Blood Centers plays a crucial role in ensuring that there is a steady supply of blood available to meet the needs of patients in the community. This internship program is a great way for students to learn more about the importance of blood donation and to gain hands-on experience in the field of healthcare.