Posted on June 24th, 2014 by
Thomas Kennedy
Recap of Board Workshop & Special Meeting June 24, 2014
While students are enjoying their summers away from school, work continues around the school district. Our teachers are spending a good amount of their time off taking courses and planning for the upcoming school year. Maintenance and custodial staff are in their busiest time of the year doing repair projects, stripping floors, painting, and much more. Construction crews are re-roofing, remodeling, and improving our schools and campuses. Mechanics are working on buses and new bus drivers are in driving school. Principals and district administrators are interviewing new staff, overseeing projects and planning for the coming year. For the school board the summer is always a busy time finalizing the upcoming budget, reviewing the past school year and laying plans for the new school year.
This board meeting included both a workshop and special meeting. During the workshop staff gave presentations on our Health Care Facility, Flood Insurance Policy Review, 2014-15 Student Progression Plans and the 2014-15 school board budget. During the special meeting portion of the meeting the board approved new hiring employees, contracts, leases, and purchases.
The staff presented an option for the Citrus County School Board and the Citrus County Sheriff’s Office to enter into an agreement to partner with our Wellness Center in Lecanto and for the CCSO open a new Wellness Center in Inverness for school board employees and CCSO employees to use. This would provide now two Wellness Center locations in the county for CCSB employees to utilize at no additional cost to the program. After a question and answer session by board members the board unanimously gave direction to staff to move forward. Then the staff shared with the board the concern of potential increasing flood insurance rates that may increase as much as 25% a year for the next four or more years. Next the board was presented with the fully revised Student Progression Plans for elementary, middle and high school. These are the academic policies for student promotion, retention, assessment, grading and more. Once formally approved they will be available on the district’s web site.
The last presentation during the workshop was the 2014-2015 School Board Budget. Assistant Superintendent of School Services Ken Blocker gave the presentation on the over $220 million dollar budget. This budget process began the day after last years’s budget was approved in September 2013. A great deal of work went into this budget as there were many challenges to be addressed. Mr. Blocker enthusiastically shared that this was a balanced budget that largely did not reduce services to students in the classroom and that did not take, but rather added to the funding reserves (savings).
Durning the special board meeting the board approved the hiring of new employees as recommended by the superintendent. Human Services Director Jonny Bishop shared that at this time the school board still has job positions available, 33 instructional and 13 non-instructional positions are currently available. For a list of open positions visit: . The board then unanimously formally approved the agreement with the YMCA to provide before and after care for students at our elementary schools. The board unanimously approved the leasing the Renaissance Center building to Silver River. This was the last remaining legal agreement between the school board and Silver River. Lastly, the school board unanimously approved the purchase of the iPads for all 5th and 8th graders in Citrus County. This, as I have shared before, is part of the county’s strategic technology plan which is being driven by the state’s requirement to transition from print to digital curriculum.
As always if you have any questions on any issue please do not hesitate to contact me.
Our next school board regard large meeting is July 8th, 2014 beginning at 4:00pm.
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