Lecanto High School TV-FOX 13 Pep Rally

CaptureLecanto High School TV-FOX 13 Pep Rally

What a great morning at LHS!!!! The staff, administrations and most especially the students were outstanding!!!!!!! Great fun!





Click links below to watch videos posted on FOX 13’s web page.





Resolution on School Grades Accountability in a Transition Year for Standards & Assessments

Resolution on School Grades Accountability in a Transition Year for Standards & Assessments

therefore...At the October 14th, 2014, school board meeting I put on the agenda a time for discussion of recent resolutions on School Grades Accountability during a transition year for the new Florida educational standards and assessments.  These results are directly connected to students’ final grades and grade advancement as well as teacher and administrative evaluations.

These resolutions speak of Florida’s over-reliance and lack of consistent data on high-stakes standardized testing in state and federal accountability systems is undermining educational quality and equity in public schools by limiting educators’ ability to focus on the broad range of learning experiences that promote creativity, problem solving, collaboration, critical thinking, and deep subject-matter knowledge that will allow students to thrive in a democracy and an increasingly global Society and economy. Further they are asking that the Florida Department of Education, and the state legislature to provide a three-year transition to July 1, 2017 for full Implementation of Florida standards and accountability, with no impact on students, teachers, school administrators, and school district assessment and evaluation changes. Further, the Legislature should delay the use of Florida State Assessment results in determining school grades, student promotion, graduation or for teacher evaluation until July 1, 2017.

Each time I visit schools and talk with teachers, educational administrators and leaders I hear about the daily challenges that are strangling public education. Regardless of whether educators are in favor of these changes or not, what you will always hear them saying is that the State’s required time frame and implementation is moving at  an unacceptably fast speed that it is harmful and irresponsible to our students and the teachers whose evaluations will be based on the students’ assessment scores.

At this time many schools boards around the state have or are getting ready to pass resolutions.  These include Sumter, Seminole, Palm Beach, Duval and Lee Counties  who have passed resolutions against the time line and are asking for a delay of the implementation with  this 2014-2015 school year.  Other school boards, whether individually or as a whole, are also looking to adopt similar resolutions.

A resolution does not suspend or stop any state required implementations or mandates but it is a way to state publicly that as an entity we are opposed to the manner of the of the implementations and its potential harmful effects on our students, teachers and schools.  In addition it

In 2012 I was proud to be a part of the Citrus County School Board that unanimously passed a resolution opposing to the overemphasis of high-stakes testing. (Follow this link to see that resolution: https://thomastalks.org/ccsb-on-high-stakes-testing/) After Citrus School Board passed its resolution other counties around the state followed suit and thus continued a formal stand against the overemphasis of high-stakes testing. This action in part lead to changes at the Florida Department of Education, including the then Florida Commissioner of Education, resigning from office.

It is my hope that our school board will seriously consider passing a similar resolution.

Citrus Educational Technology Specialist Finalist for National Bammy Award

Citrus Educational Technology Specialist Finalist for National Bammy Award

Presented by the Academy of Education Arts and Sciences

Academy of Education Arts and Sciences AwardsRecently Citrus District Technology Specialist, Jerry Swiatek was notified that he is a finalist for the prestigious national Bammy Award. The Bammy Awards are presented by the Academy of Education Arts and Sciences, which includes leading educators, education professors, journalists, editors, researchers, commentators, advocates, activists, visionaries and pioneers. The Academy is comprised of a board of governors, a council of peers and the executive committee. This is without question the Academy Awards of Education in our Country.

Originally 23 people were nominated in the School Technologist category from around the country. Then that number was reduced to 5 finalists. Mr. Swiatek was chosen as one of those five finalists for this national award.

Next week, Mr. Swiatek will be travelling to Washington D.C. for the Academy of Education Arts and Science’s red carpet gala taking place at The Arena Stage Kogod/Cradle Theater on Saturday, September 27th, 2014.

Jerry SwiatekWe are so proud that Mr. Swiatek is receiving this recognition and will represent the Citrus County School District at the Awards. We are blessed and thankful for all that Mr. Swiatek does for our student, staff and district. Mr. Swiatek is a visionary in educational technology curriculum and technology implementation in education.

Mr. Swiatek is the founder of EdCamp Citrus which is one of the largest Ed Camps in the United States. Those interesting in contact Mr. Swiatek can reach him at http://twitter.com/jswiatek

Best of Luck Mr. Swiatek!

2013-2014 Snapshot of Citrus County Schools

2013-2014 Snapshot

of Citrus County Schools

(Click Here For Printable Version)

CCSB Snapshot 0

CCSB Snapshot 1

CCSB Snapshot 2

CCSB Snapshot 3

CCSB Snapshot 4

CCSB Snapshot 5

CCSB Snapshot 6

CCSB Snapshot 7

Educational Technology Council for Sept 2014

Educational Technology Council for Sept 2014

xino.phpThe School Districts’ Educational Technology Council (ETC), also known as the Technology Committee, is made up of the Technology Specialist and Technology Educators at each school, the District Instructional Technology Specialist, District Technology Specialist, District Teacher on Special Assessment, Director of Instructional Technology, Executive Director of Educational, and me, Thomas Kennedy, as the Citrus School Board Member Representative.

It goes without question that technology implementation is affecting every aspect of our schools and classrooms and this Technology Council brings together the many persons that are on the frontline of our school’s technology implementations.  Today school’s use of technology is not simply using a computer in a lab. It is digital gradebooks (Skyward), student individual technology devices (iPad), digital textbooks, ebooks, and computer base testing. I mean a LOT of computer base testing (CBT). CBT is now required by the state for ALL state assessments from 5th grade through high school End of Course (EOC) assessments, and next year will include 4th grade CBT.

At the meeting new hardware, applications, network and other issues are discussed and training is offered to assist these professionals. During this meeting we learned about Stoneware, a single logon solution that the district is using for teachers.  This single logon allows teachers to use just one logon and password to access nearly all of their many accounts.  This facilitates a time saving. Eventually the district hopes to have a single logon solution for students as well so that they don’t need to remember many passwords, just one.

At this time nearly all our schools have some form of one-to-one student iPad implementation. Many of our teachers have asked for an option to be able to freeze students’ iPads while they give specific instructions to them.  Through the district’s AirWatch device management system our teachers can now use an app (at no additional cost) called Air Watch Teach and Air Watch Learn to control students’ use of their iPads during instruction time to better focus instruction.

At ETC and during a recent school board meeting, Beth Bedee , Teacher On Special Assignment for Social Studies shared with us her new web site Social Studies in Citrus Schools (www.citrussocialstudies.net). This is an excellent resource for teachers looking for Social Studies, Florida and American government lessons.  In addition, Ms. Bedee did a great job of incorporating some wonderful old Citrus County photos.

Technology is one of the biggest challenges in education today and I believe it is important that we continue as a district to provide the necessary tools, professional development and staff resources to not just be effective but to be highly successful.  I am proud of the outstanding work our education and technology staff have done in the past and are doing today.  I am proud of the commitment the district and school board has made to the critical importance of these technology mandates and requirements.

Homecoming and Prom Dresses To In-Need H.S. Girls

Homecoming and Prom Dresses To In-Need H.S. Girls


ballBelle of the Ball Inc. is a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit organization which provides homecoming and prom dresses to in-need, low-income high school girls in Citrus, Pinellas, Hillsborough and surrounding counties. Established in 2003, Belle of the Ball Project`s mission statement is “no girl should be denied the opportunity to attend her high school dance because of financial difficulties.”  They are 100 % volunteer organization.


Homecoming 2014 shopping dates are September 6th, 20th, October 4th, 18th

Hours are 10 am to 2 pm.

No appointment necessary.

These dates and times will be the only time to receive a dress.


Belle of the Ball operates out of a 4,000 square ft store front inside the Seminole Mall – 11201 Park Blvd. Seminole, Fl.  This location has more than 2,000 quality dresses in inventory.

Girls can be referred to Belle of the Ball by school guidance counselors, teachers, churches, other non-profit organizations, foster care, the guardian ad litem system, and other civic organizations. Even though the honor system and the girl’s anonymity are highly respected, the recipient must be present and must attest that they currently are having financial difficulties or have been referred by School Social Worker, Guidance Counselor, Principal, Community Involvement Personnel, Guardian ad litem, Foster Care, or other non-profit organization or agency




Visit on Facebook at Belle of the Ball – https://www.facebook.com/pages/Belle-of-the-Ball/70758711564

