Best of Luck Student (and Teachers) taking ACT test today

Best of Luck Student (and Teachers) taking ACT test today

act-exam-stress-mobileI dropped my son off at high school today to take his ACT test. There was more than a half a dozen teachers that were in line holding pencils getting ready to take the college preparatory test. I am impressed by these teachers who have been willing to sit for this assessment in hopes of scoring in the 80th percentile so that they may in part qualify for the Florida Best and Brightest Scholarship merit pay bonus the state of Florida’s legislators allocated this year. The State legislate chair allocated $44 million for teachers to receive bonuses on scores they took for a college preparatory test.

I wish them all the very best of luck!!

For a background on the Florida Best and Brightest Scholarship see Chronicle Editorial;

September 11th

September 11th

On Sept. 10th, 2015 this photo was taken of the “Ground Zero” skyline and Freedom Tower. I feel it speaks for itself.


Times: latest on Florida’s Best and Brightest bonus

Times: latest on Florida’s Best and Brightest bonus

Transcripts are now okay… CRHS Teacher sits for ACT

11295705_10153040465653020_3192181790957234906_nCitrus County Schools received an email today from the Florida Department of Education on our challenge to the FL-DOE’s Technical Assistance Paper which stated, “An official record is the original score report from ACT or the College Board (SAT)”, and implied that official school transcripts would not meet the FL-DOE’s definition of “official record”.   Today’s email from FL-DOE stated, “Records or transcripts are acceptable as official documents“.  This is a far more common sense approach and I am pleased with FL-DOE’s replay to Citrus Schools challenge on this issue.

In addition, I encourage you to read the article below by the Tampa Bay Times about Citrus County’s own Tim Byrne a Crystal River High School chemistry teacher who will be taking the ACT test with his students this weekend in hopes of scoring high enough to received the Florida’s Best and Brightest bonus.

We wish him much success on Saturday– regardless of what score the ACT determines– Mr. Byrne is 100% in my book for what he does everyday in his classroom, not just how he does on a college entrance assessment.

Read the article at:

Times Reports: Official transcript not good enough for Florida’s Best and Brightest

Times Reports: Official transcript not good enough for Florida’s Best and Brightest

TampaBayTimes1So lets get this straight… official school transcripts can be used for verifying student’s passed courses and assessment scores– but evidently cannot be used for verification of teacher’s ACT or SAT for the Best and Brightest Scholarship program.

Tampa Bay Times Staff Writer Jeffrey S. Solochek writes, “Florida teachers thinking they can use their school transcripts to qualify for the state’s controversial Best and Brightest bonus system better think again.

The Department of Education issued a memo late last week saying that teachers must submit an “official” record of their SAT or ACT score to qualify for the award. And by “official,” the document stated, that meant an “original score report.”

Not the scores as listed on a school transcript.

Follow this link to read article by Tampa Bay Times Reporter Jeffrey S. Solochek:

FSA Validity Study: Results Valid

FSA Validity Study: Results Valid

FL FSA study finds “test scores should not be used as a sole determinant in decisions” such as graduation, retention or remediation

Untitled-1This morning the Florida Department of Education announced that Alpine Testing Solutions, the Utah company contracted to conduct a validity study on the Florida Standards Assessment (FSA). The report stated and FL-DOE shared that, “the FSA is an accurate way to measure Florida’s students’ mastery of the standards.” Jeffrey S. Solochek of the Tampa Times in his column this morning, ‘Florida tests shouldn’t be used for student-level consequences, report says’, shared that the study stated, “Florida Standards Assessment tests that Florida students took this spring should not be used as the sole factor in deciding whether students graduate, take remedial courses or repeat a grade”. I greatly appreciate Florida Education Pam Stewart’s statement in a press release regarding the study, “because one student interrupted due to administration issues during testing is too many”. Unfortunately Department of Education spokeswoman Meghan Collins shared that the report stated that the test “was validated for broader use”, she added, “the results will be used for group-level decisions”.

While I am pleased that both the study and the Florida Department of Education recognize that the FSA should not be the sole determinant of student progression, I am disheartened that this study will now not just validate the 2015 FSA but worse, validates the improper use of these tests in determining teachers’ evaluations, schools’ grades and may negatively contribute to students’ outcomes. If the Alpine study expresses that the FSA should not be used for determining whether students graduate, take remedial courses or repeat a grade? Then it shouldn’t be used for teachers’ evaluations and schools’ grades either.

I am therefore again imploring Governor Rick Scott to use the authority of his office to immediately sign an executive order to suspend the use of these assessments for students’ grades, course requirements, graduation requirements, any performance pay requirements for teachers and administrators and any accountability/school grades for the 2014–2015 school year. In addition I ask that the Florida Legislature and FL-DOE reevaluate alternative opportunities for students who did not meet the FSA graduation requirements. Our teachers, administrators and staff did an excellent job focusing on the whole student and supported putting the needs of students first. In the end it is that commitment which will result in student success, regardless of a single assessment score.

Below is addition information in a memo by the FL-DOE released this morning about the Alpine Testing Solutions FSA validity study:

The report found that in the Evaluation of Test Items; Evaluation of Field Testing; Evaluation of Test Blueprint and Construction; Evaluation of Test Administration; Evaluation of Scaling, Equating, and Scoring; and Evaluation of Specific Psychometric Validity Questions, the policies and procedures that were followed are generally consistent with expected practices as described in the textbook Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing and other key sources that define best practices in the testing industry.

  • Use of FSA Scores for Student-Level Decision Purposes: When evaluating the use of FSA scores for student-level decision purposes, the report noted that the scores for students taking computer-based tests should not be used as a sole determinant for purposes such as promotion or graduation eligibility. In Florida, statewide standardized test scores are never the sole determinant of these decisions. Therefore, students who earned a passing score, even though they were impacted, are still considered to have met the assessment graduation requirement. Those students who did not earn a passing score will still have the opportunity to retake the test or meet the requirement through other approved assessments.
  • Use of FSA Scores for Group-Level Decision Purposes: When evaluating the use of FSA scores for group-level decision purposes, such as calculating scores for inclusion in teacher evaluations, calculating school grades and setting achievement level cut scores, the report noted that the evidence supports the use of these data in the aggregate for both paper-based and computer-based assessments. Therefore, the results will be used for group-level decisions, such as calculating scores for inclusion in teacher evaluations, calculating school grades, and setting achievement level cut scores.

To read the Alpine Testing Solutions FSA validity study executive summary, click here.

To read Alpine Testing Solutions FSA validity study the full report, click here.

Chamber Interview with Superintendent Himmel and Assistant Superintendent Mullen

Chamber Interview with Superintendent Himmel and Assistant Superintendent Mullen

This an excellent interview with Superintendent Sam Himmel and Assistant Superintendent Mike Mullen sharing about our Citrus County School District.

Click video below or link here –