Congratulations to the TOY & SPOY at Galaxy of the Stars

Congratulations to the TOY & SPOY at Galaxy of the Stars

Citrus TOY & SPOY 2016Congratulation to this year’s Citrus County Teacher of the Year is Kyle Jaecks of Central Ridge Elementary and Support person of the Year is Jennifer Woods of Lecanto Primary.

What an amazing evening we had at the annual ‘Galaxy of the Stars’ celebrating our Teachers and Support persons of the year sponsored by the Citrus County Education Foundation (CCEF). This event gives us the great privilege of honoring these impressive professionals.

This year’s Citrus County Teacher of the Year is Kyle Jaecks a 5th grade teacher at Central Ridge Elementary and the Support person of the Year is Jennifer Woods the technology aide for Lecanto Primary.

I was honored to be asked this year to give the Invocation.  This event gives us an opportunity to not only honor each of you, but by honoring you, also honor all those that work in and support education. I want to share with you the words I share that evening.

I want to thank CCEF for putting together another superb event honoring these excellent educators.  I also want to thank the many CCEF sponsors, supporters and volunteers that contribute to making this special event.

Galaxy of the Stars Invocation by Thomas Kennedy

This evening we celebrate our amazing staff and teachers who work tirelessly each day to positively impact the lives of our students and those they work with. Thank you for blessing us with these individuals.

We ask that you continue to bless our great School District, our Superintendent and the Executive team, our Departments, school administrators, district and school staff members, teachers, aides, secretaries, maintenance workers, bus drivers, custodians, and students & their families.

Please Give our Legislators in Tallahassee common sense and understanding and intervene when they do, when they should not.

Protect our offices, schools, classrooms and buses.

God you have entrusted us as stewards of your students and it is a calling that we do not take lightly. Give us the strength to teach, inspire, encourage and love each of our students each and every day.


CCSB approves Legislative Platform and a Resolution on State Assessment & Accountability System

CCSB approves Legislative Platform and a Resolution on State Assessment & Accountability System

FSBA 2016 Legislative PlatformSo proud of our Citrus County School Board who voted to joined the Florida School Board Associations in adopting the 2016 Legislative Platform and a Resolution on State Assessment & Accountability System.

The Legislative Platform calls for:

  • Halt the practice of using statewide standardized test results for any purpose other than diagnostic purposes;
  • Provide sufficient per student funding to place Florida in the upper quartile nationally and ensure that funding for each categorical allocation within the FEFP is sufficient to cover actual costs, growth, and inflation, and is not reduced by either enrollment or revenue changes during the fiscal year;
  • Restore the authority for school districts to levy, by simple majority vote, up to 2.0 mills for capital purposes, and maintain the current authority of school districts to determine the use of local capital outlay millage revenue;
  • Protect taxpayer dollars by ensuring all schools receiving state funds adhere to the same fiscal and academic accountability measures.

Follow this link to read the 2016 Legislative Platform:

Follow this link to read the Resolution on State Assessment & Accountability System:

Blessings Needs Help for LHS & CRHS

Blessings for CRHS & LHSBlessings Needs Help for LHS & CRHS

We want to silence weekend hunger at CRHS and LHS! Join our mission and donate today!


WTC Winter/Spring 2016 Course Schedule

WTCWithlacoochee Technical College
Winter/Spring 2016 Course Schedule

Classes will begin the week of January 25th, all you need to do is click on the link Enroll to register. If you have any questions regarding any of the classes listed please contact Denise Barber via email or at extension 4360.

You can access this information through our for a full calendar of classes offered as well as register.

Senator Dean to file bill for MSS

Senator Charles S. "Charlie" Dean, Sr.Senator Dean to file bill for MSS

Tell him THANK YOU!

Thank you, Senator Dean! Citrus County Chronicle reported that during the 2016 Florida Legislative session, State Senator Charles S. “Charlie” Dean, Sr.vowed to re-introduce the need to fund the Citrus County School District’s Marine Science Station. Dean was instrumental in getting the $125,000 funding on the state budget. Gov. Rick Scott vetoed the allocation.” Contact Senator Dean’s office, thank him and let him know you support his efforts!

Tallahassee Office
311 Senate Office Building
404 South Monroe Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399-1100
(850) 487-5005
(866) 538-2831 Toll Free
Legislative Assistants – Drew Aldikacti and Kyle Langan

District Office
405 Tompkins Street
Inverness, FL 34450
Legislative Assistants – Janet Oehmig and Judy Wells

Happy New Years 2016!!

Happy New Years 2016!!

2016Our family and I wish you all a very happy and successful New Year! Thank you for this opportunity to serve the students and community as a representative of Citrus County Schools.