Our Grateful Thanks
Dear Friends & Supporters,
We won, you won, OUR STUDENTS & PUBLIC SCHOOL FAMILIES WON!!!! Thank you God for allowing me this opportunity to serve and be a representative for our students and you.
The Chronicle’s Headline: ‘Kennedy tops Miele for school board’ (click here to read article)
We won with the largest number of votes of any candidate in any local election, 15,862!!
You all worked so hard for our victory last night. You all played an important role in this success. Thank you!
We need to thank Lou Miele for his years of service as an educator and school board member. While we may have differed on issues I know Mr. Miele loves children and many Citrus County children are all the better because of Mr. Miele’s service. Mr. Miele was ALWAYS a gentleman to me in EVERY setting. I want to share with you something most kind he did following our first debate. After the debate my 11 year old son Ethan kept looking to the back of the room for Mr. Miele. I asked Ethan what was wrong and he said, “is he mean to you dad”? I felt concerned inside and I said “NO, not in the least, he is a good person we just have differences about our schools, but he loves kids and in a minute I will introduce you to him”. Minutes later Ethan and I walked over to Mr. Miele who has always had his hand waiting for me to shake. I said, “Lou, I want you to meet my son Ethan”. I went on to say, “Lou, I want him to meet you and know you are a good guy and to not be nervous or scared”. My son is a sensitive young man and Ethan started to have tears run down his face. Mr. Miele immediately shook Ethan’s hand with great concerns and said, “Oh no Ethan your dad and I like each other, we sometimes say things that are to share our differences but we won’t be mean to each other”. Friends, Mr. Miele always kept it about the issues. Throughout the campaign Lou and I talked and shared a great deal privately and I will always remember that and appreciate it.
Now I look forward to the next stage. I am to be sworn in mid to late November. I will begin being visible and start orientating myself to the School Board prior to taking office. It is important to me that the concerns and issues I campaigned on are what I believe and what I will work for. I am going to be needing your support and prayers as we move forward. Please continue to contact me with your concerns and your issues. Any business issues or concerns addressed to me, which may come before the school board, may also be subject to public request.
As I said last night, once the results were read, “I just got hired by 130,000 voters”! Then in my mind I said, “now don’t screw it up”! J
I have a new school board email address thomas.kennedy@citrusschools.org which you should use from now on to contact me regarding any school board issues as I am now under the Sunshine Law.
Thomasine and I want to give you all a big hug and thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
thomas.kennedy@citrusschools.org – NEW SCHOOL BOARD EMAIL ADDRESS
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