Legislative Appropriation Budget Request for the Academy of Health Careers Not Approved by Governor

Legislative Appropriation Budget Request for the Academy of Health Careers Not Approved by Governor

Today, we learned that our Citrus County School legislative appropriation 2024 budget request for the Academy of Health Careers at Crystal River High School was not approved by the Governor. We are, of course, disappointed, but we respect the Governor’s decision and thank him and his staff for their consideration. We are grateful for the individual work and support of Representative Dr. Ralph Massullo and Senator Blaise Ingoglia. They, along with their teams, worked tirelessly on behalf of our students and community. We also want to thank the many district, school, city, and county leaders who supported us in this request. Special thanks go to Gene McGee, who has been advocating on behalf of our students, schools, and community.

The Academy of Health Careers at CRHS is the oldest magnet program within Citrus County Schools, boasting a proud history spanning more than 30 years. It stands as arguably the most successful high school Career Technical Education program in our school district and, I believe, in the region. Over the years, this Academy has produced thousands of nurses, doctors, first responders, engineers, military leaders, and other health professionals. The Academy of Health Careers will continue to produce tomorrow’s medical and STEM professionals. Today’s decision does not diminish the continued work and success of the Academy of Health Careers, and together we will continue to expand the opportunities at the Academy of Health Careers.

We are excited about our incoming freshmen and our returning students for the 31st year of the Academy of Health Careers at CRHS. These students will continue their studies toward their state licensing or industry certifications in one of the five incredible medical pathways: Certified Nursing Assistant, BioMedical Technician, Dental Assistant, EMS/Phil Royal EMT Program, and Veterinary Assistant Pathways.

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