iPads are Deployed!

Rita Stinson, 12, and classmate Sebastian Jones, 12, work together to get familiar with their iPads.
iPads are Deployed!
Today at Citrus Springs Middle School history was made when virtual all students in 7th grade received iPads as part of a district pilot to transition print to digital curriculum.
I feel Eileen Jenkin, CSMS’s Teacher on Special Assignment explain it best when the night before she said, “Ready for a momentous day at CSMS tomorrow. It feels a bit like the night before Christmas…”
I feel honored to have played a small role in this project and over the coming school year I will be regularly updating you to its progress.
Mike Wright, reporter from the Chronicle wrote an outstanding article on the initiative. I encourage you to following this link and read the article: http://www.chronicleonline.com/content/ipads-given-students-citrus-springs-middle-school
In addition to the newspaper, BayNews9 covered the story at: http://www.baynews9.com/content/news/baynews9/news/article.html/content/news/articles/bn9/2012/8/16/citrus_middle_school.html
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