Great Week of Actives at Our Schools

Great Week of Actives at Our Schools

It was a busy week visiting schools and attending different school events around the district.  I love doing these activities!  Much of the time from now until the end of May will be spent by Board Members attending these types of events.  This week some of the events I had the pleasure of attending were the Upward Bound Elementary Awards, Central Ridge Elementary “Ridgeback Ranchero” (2nd grade) Mexican Restaurant and the Crystal River Middle School’s “A Bearcat Night of Talent”.  Bear with me, as I keep-up posting and sharing some of these events with you.


Students perform the opening number at CRMS 'A Bearcat Night of Talent'


Students managed, hosted, serviced, cooked and cashiered the restaurant to learn about the operations of running a restaurant business.


Students serving at 'Ridgeback Ranchero'.

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