Citrus Springs Middle 9/21/2010

This morning I had the privilege of visiting  Citrus Springs Middle School.  CSMS is the school where my wife teaches 7th grade reading so I am more familiar with their campus, but I was interested in seeing some of the classrooms I had not seen before. CSMS has been a Florida graded “A” middle school for six years in a row.  I enjoyed visiting the language arts, science and math classes.  In the math class the teacher was using a Mobi while teaching her class.  The Mobi is a mobile interactive whiteboard and it allows teachers and students to write on the Mobi and for that to then be projected onto the large video monitor.  This is a great way for teachers and students to actively participate in the lesson.  I am looking forward to seeing a Mobi being used to teach Social Studies next.

Best of luck to the Falcon Football Team that is playing tonight!


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Citrus Springs Middle School


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