Citrus County Schools Kick Off 2024-2025 with “Joy in the Journey” Staff Event

Citrus County Schools Kick Off 2024-2025 with “Joy in the Journey” Staff Event

Today marked the annual welcome back staff event for Citrus County Schools, titled “Joy in the Journey.” This much-anticipated event, sponsored by the Citrus County Education Foundation and its strategic community partners, serves as a cornerstone for kicking off the new academic year. The event highlighted the importance of community support, collaboration, and the shared commitment to providing an exceptional educational experience for all students.

The day began with a hearty breakfast, prepared by the talented Mr. William Bunch and his Oysters of Crystal River Restaurant team. School and district administrators were on hand to serve the meal, creating a sense of camaraderie and unity among the attendees. This gesture emphasized the collaborative spirit that drives the district’s success, where everyone plays a role in the journey of educating and nurturing the students.

The event also featured a Vendors Hall, where various community partners set up booths to showcase their services and opportunities available to educators and staff. This provided a valuable platform for networking, learning about new resources, and securing some exciting giveaways. The Vendors Hall was a bustling hub of activity, reflecting the strong ties between the district and the broader community.

The centerpiece of the day took place in the Curtis Peterson Auditorium, beginning with a Color Guard presentation by the Withlacoochee Chapter Sons of the American Revolution. This patriotic display set a respectful and inspiring tone for the proceedings. Dr. Scott Hebert, Assistant Superintendent, opened the event by welcoming the crowd and introducing Superintendent Sandra “Sam” Himmel.

Superintendent Himmel then called Citrus County School Police Chief David Vincent to the stage, who introduced each of the School Guardians and School Resource Officers (SROs) serving at the district’s schools. As each school’s Guardians and SROs were announced, the auditorium echoed with cheers, with each school trying to outdo the others in celebrating their safety teams. This moment underscored the critical role that these individuals play in maintaining a safe and supportive environment for learning.

Before introducing the keynote speaker, Superintendent Himmel took a moment to recognize the school board members and then brought the honorable Virginia “Ginger” Bryant to the stage. Bryant, who is retiring at the end of her term in November, was honored for her remarkable 54 years of service to education. This includes 30 years as an English and reading teacher, followed by 24 years as a school board member. Her dedication has made her the longest-serving elected school board member in Citrus County’s history, a legacy that will be remembered for years to come.

This event was also a significant milestone for Superintendent Himmel, as it marked her final welcome back event before her own retirement. In her heartfelt reflection, she shared memories and expressed gratitude for the years of service and collaboration with the staff, leaving a lasting impression on all who were present.

The keynote speaker, Dr. Jim Van Allan, co-author of The Energy Bus for Schools, delivered an engaging and impactful address. His high-energy, interactive style captivated the audience, leaving them with positive messages to carry into the new school year.

Special thanks were given to Laura Lindeman, Director of Professional Learning and Leadership, and Amy Crowell, Director of Assessment, Accountability, & Monitoring, for their exceptional coordination of the event. Their efforts, along with those of the entire Education Services team, ensured a successful and inspiring start to the 2024-2025 school year. Here’s to another year of growth, learning, and joy in the journey!

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