CHS Class of 2024 Graduation

CHS Class of 2024 Graduation

Today, we celebrated the Citrus High School graduating Class of 2024 with a beautiful evening filled with pride, reflection, and memorable moments. The ceremony showcased the achievements of our students and the unique spirit of our community, leaving everyone in attendance filled with a sense of hope and accomplishment.

The ceremony began with a heartfelt welcome by Class President Chesney Crabtree. Her opening remarks set the tone for the evening, expressing gratitude to teachers, families, and friends who supported the students throughout their high school journey. Chesney’s words highlighted the unity and resilience of the Class of 2024, making it clear that this group of graduates had faced challenges together and emerged stronger.

Among the celebrations, a particularly special moment stood out. Before the graduates walked across the stage to receive their certificates, Principal Kahlher made a heartfelt announcement, calling Master Sergeant Martell Swain onto the stage. Accompanied by Mr. David Halbstein—aide to the Honorable Gus Bilirakis, Congressman for the 12th congressional district—and Superintendent Sandra “Sam” Himmel, Master Sergeant Swain was awarded his belated high school diploma on behalf of the Citrus County School District. Master Sergeant Swain, who served our country for 23 years in the Army, stood proudly as the audience erupted in applause. Superintendent Himmel expressed the sentiments of all present, stating, “We can think of no one more worthy than you to receive a high school diploma. Your dedication and service to our country are a shining example for all of us to follow.” The awarding of this diploma was a powerful reminder of the diverse paths and sacrifices that shape our community. It underscored the values of perseverance, service, and honor that Citrus High School strives to instill in its students.

The students’ speeches were a highlight of the evening. After Chesney Crabtree’s welcome, Kyler Bishop took the stage to deliver a reflection speech. Kyler eloquently shared the collective experiences and growth of the class over their high school years. His words resonated deeply with students and parents alike, highlighting the unique journey of the Class of 2024. Kyler spoke about the challenges faced and overcome, the friendships formed, and the lessons learned that would carry them into the future.

Following this, Ashley Trochez-Castillo delivered a powerful vision speech, inspiring her peers to look ahead with confidence and determination. Her speech painted a picture of a future full of possibilities, encouraging graduates to pursue their dreams and make a positive impact in the world. After her speech, Ashley presented a special gift and thanks to Superintendent Sandra “Sam” Himmel, acknowledging that this would be her last CHS graduation as Superintendent. Ashley thanked Superintendent Himmel for her great contributions to Citrus County Schools, which was met with heartfelt applause from the audience.

As tradition has dictated for many years, the roll call of graduates was conducted by Mr. Robert Hermann, former Citrus High School Assistant Principal and now Principal of Pleasant Grove Elementary. His familiar voice called each name with pride, marking the transition from student to graduate. The roll call was a moment of joy and celebration, as each student took their place among the ranks of Citrus High School alumni.

Adding a touch of musical brilliance to the ceremony, CHS Class of 2024 Breez’ member, accompanied by John Edel, performed a moving rendition of “I Was Here” by Lady A. The performance was a poignant reminder of the lasting legacy each student leaves behind and the bright futures awaiting them. The lyrics of the song resonated with the themes of the evening, emphasizing the impact that each graduate has had on their school and community.

As the ceremony concluded, the graduates of Citrus High School’s Class of 2024 stood together, ready to embark on their next chapter. Their faces reflected a mixture of joy, excitement, and a touch of nostalgia for the years spent at Citrus High School. The evening was a testament to their hard work and the support of their families and educators.

Congratulations to all our graduates—we wish you much success in your future endeavors. Your journey is just beginning, and we are confident that you will achieve great things.

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