Chronicle Editorial: WTC prepares students for career

Chronicle Editorial: WTC prepares students for career

WTC prepares students for career

It has been brought to my attention that some people believe technical colleges are of no importance. I am a graduate of a technical college, and I have to say I disagree.

I have watched high school graduates with absolutely no direction come here and completely turn their lives around. Not only are they preparing for a future, but learning a skill, workplace responsibility, ethics, discipline, manners, handling of stress, handling workplace materials and machinery — a lot of invaluable lessons learned at an affordable price for struggling families.

I’m an older adult. I fall into the category of someone looking to better themselves after having raised a family. I have found this education very valuable.

Employers are way more apt to hire someone with a basic knowledge of equipment handling. I realize that wherever you go in life there is on-the-job training, but I can tell you the availability of jobs was extremely scarce, and to have a skill set in my field of study was an extra cushion to my benefit.

Technical colleges are wonderful. They are an optimal tool for your community, your young and older adults, struggling to get work and needing a higher education.

Please keep this in mind. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Dana A. Cook
Withlacoochee Technical Institute graduate

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