Celebrating Flag Day

Celebrating Flag Day

Today is Flag Day in the United States of America, a significant occasion that honors the adoption of our national flag on June 14, 1777, by resolution of the Second Continental Congress. The flag, designed with thirteen alternating red and white stripes and a blue field adorned with thirteen white stars, symbolizes the birth of a new constellation of states. Though not an official federal holiday, Flag Day is widely observed across the country with pride and reverence.

In Citrus County Schools, our commitment to patriotism is deeply ingrained in our students, schools, and community. As the first Purple Heart school district in the United States, with all of our schools being Purple Star schools, we hold a unique and honored place in the hearts of our veterans and active-duty military members. This distinction reflects our profound respect and gratitude for the sacrifices made by the brave men and women who have served and continue to serve our nation.

Flag Day serves as a poignant reminder of the values and principles upon which our nation was founded. It is a day to reflect on the significance of our flag and what it represents—freedom, unity, and the enduring spirit of the American people. In Citrus County Schools community, we celebrate this day with a deep sense of pride and dedication to fostering a patriotic spirit among our students.

Throughout our community we come together to honor this important day by displaying the flag and participating in various educational activities that highlight the history and symbolism of the Stars and Stripes. These activities not only educate but also inspire a sense of national pride and civic responsibility.

As we observe Flag Day, we are reminded of the strength and resilience of our nation. It is a time to celebrate our shared heritage and to reaffirm our commitment to the principles of liberty and justice for all. In our Citrus County Schools community, we proudly wave our flags high, honoring the past while looking forward to a future united under the banner of freedom.

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