CCSO 10th Annual Shop With a Cop
10th Annual Shop With a Cop
Brought to you by the Citrus County Sheriff’s Office School Resource Officers
The Citrus County Sheriff’s Office School Resource Officer Unit has devised a way to assist some needy families with holiday gifts and meals. The elementary school staff from each elementary school in the county selects five children from their school and each child will receive a $125.00 Wal-Mart gift card. On the evening of the event the selected children will meet at their local Wal-Mart and each child will then be paired up with a Deputy from the Citrus County Sheriff’s Office to shop together. The children can use the money to buy themselves gifts and/or purchase gifts for their family members for the holidays. Usually, the children buy presents for their families because they believe it is better to give than to receive. When the shopping is complete local volunteers will wrap each gift for them to take home. The child will also leave the event with a full course holiday meal for the family. They will also give away door prizes during the event and each child will receive a meal from a local McDonald’s.
On December 10th at 6:00pm they will begin the shopping at the Homosassa Wal-Mart, and on December 11th and 12th at 6:00pm at the Inverness Wal-Mart. The event this year will include at least 75 children from the local elementary schools and the CREST School. It is a very rewarding event and it is priceless to see the smiles on the children’s faces when they are going around the store searching for presents for their family. They are now accepting donations. ALL of the money raised will go towards this event.
Please make checks payable to “Shop with a Cop” and send to the Sheriff’s Office address attn: Dep. Joe Faherty, 1 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Ave., Inverness, Florida 34450-4994. If you have any questions please feel free to contact event coordinator Dep. Joe Faherty at 352-726-4488.
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