Archive for School Board Meetings

School Board Meeting Recap for Feb 8th

Tuesday, February 8th, 2010 ,  was our school board’s regular board meeting.

The meeting began with the Academy of Environmental Science (AES) sharing its annual report.  AES is Citrus County’s first charter school and was established in 1999 through a partnership with individuals, organizations, agencies, and the Citrus County School Board.  AES is active in community events including Coastal Cleanup, Save Our Waters Week, National Wildlife Refuge Week, and Earth Day. Students who have attended the academy have received numerous awards in the Citrus County Regional and Florida Science and Engineering Fair, Regional and State Envirothon as well as many scholarships to post secondary institutions. All students between grades nine and twelve who have maintained a 2.0 or higher in their core courses and have passed an academy review of their discipline and attendance records are eligible to apply for enrollment into the academy.

Ben Stofcheck, Administrator for AES reports on AES at the School Board Meeting Feb 8, 2011

Mr. Ben Stofcheck, Administrator for AES,  reported that AES currently has approximately 96  students enrolled.  During the 2009-2010 school year, AES  student  progress maintained a remarkable average of 3.26 GPA  per  semester.  Mr. Stofcheck went on to share that AES again was the #1 high school at the 2010 Citrus Regional Science & Engineering Fair.  Six of the ten students selected for the 2010 State Science & Engineering Fair were from AES.  One of the two students selected for the INTEL International Science & Engineering Fair was from AES.   The ninth grade Algebra 1 team won 2nd place in the Citrus Math Field Day competition.  Mr. Stofcheck proudly reminded the board that AES was selected by the US News & World Report as one of the “Best 100 High Schools” in the United States.  AES board of directors is organizing a fund-raising dinner set for Feb. 26 at Sugarmill Woods Country Club in Homosassa. Proceeds benefit students, paying for things such as supplies, equipment, books, field trips  and shelves to create a library. The event includes a silent auction, cash bar ,  and live deejay. Social hour starts at 6 p.m. with dinner at 7 p.m. Tickets are $35 per person or $250 for a table. For reservations or more information, call 726-4093, ext. 4093, or 795-8703.

The very concerning news…  Executive Director of Business Services   Ken Blocker shared Governor Scott’s proposed  recommended educational budget.  If the Governor’s recommendations are approved in its current form, Citrus County Schools will face for the 2011-2012 school budget a $8.2 million dollar cut which is approximately 8% of the budget.   In my  personal opinion, this  is devastating to our students’  education and future.  I ask you to continue to monitor and stay informed on  the  Governor’s recommended budget.  We need for you to contact your legislators about the negative impact this budget will have on our student s’  education and future.

At the meeting several budget amendments were approved.  These amendments brought up at board meetings are often for prior approved purchases and fund reclassification.  The board also approved  the hiring of an engineering report on corrections needed for the parent pickup line at the Inverness Middle School.

The meeting ended with board member reports.  Member Linda Power reminded the public of the upcoming Purple Heart Ceremony at 11:00 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 20th, 2011, at the Florida National Guard Armory in Crystal River.  Chairman Bill Murray shared about the annual Galaxy of Stars event to honor the 2012 Teacher of the Year and 2011 School-Related Employee of the Year.  Member Pat Deutschman shared about speaking before the Board of County Commissioners on the proposed Educational Impact Fee.  (More on the impact fee issue in the future.)

Related Links

Regular School Board Meeting Feb. 8th, 2010 at 4:00pm


FEBRUARY 8, 2011 at 4:00pm

The first Citizen Comments is reserved for comments on the items requesting approval on the agenda. A second opportunity for any subject is available at 6:00 p.m.

CLICK HERE FOR February 08, 2011 Agenda…

School Board Special Meeting & Workshop for 1/25/2011


JANUARY 25, 2011 at 1:00 P.M.


Any person requiring reasonable accommodation at this meeting because of a disability or physical impairment should contact the Superintendent’s Office at 726-1931, ext. 2206, prior to the date of the scheduled School Board meeting. The Citrus County School Board TDD #352/726-6086.

School Board Regular Meeting 1/11/2011 Recap

The Citrus County School Board met for a regular meeting on Tuesday, January 11th, 2011 ,  at 4:00pm.  Board member Ms. Pat Deutschman provided opening exercises which included a reflection and silent moment for the tragic events and victims in Arizona.

The board then had the honor of recognizing and presenting awards.  First, Brian Matthew Wisner was recognized for  attaining the rank of Eagle Scout in the Boy Scouts of America, Next,  recognition awards were given for Excellence and Purchase in the 39th annual Festival of the Arts in December 2010 . This was sponsored by The Festival of the Arts Committee  which sponsors this fun event each year, along with the City of Inverness, the Citrus County Chronicle, and the Citrus County Schools Art Departments.  This event has had long time support and encouragement from Citrus County Schools and   the School Board; in particular,  from board member Linda Powers.   To quote  Mrs. Powers, she said “looked like the Cheshire Cat” as she announced the awards to students and to art teachers for their participation in the Art Festival.  It was a packed board room  as awards were presented.  Ms. Deutschman commented how great it was to have students fill the room and Board Chairman Bill Murray acknowledged the many teachers in the room.

Business Service Director Ken Blocker presented 2010 Audit Reports on the District’s Internals Accounts and the 2010 Audit Report for the Academy of Environmental Science.  Mr. Blocker  presented  several budget amendments and provided an budget update.

Alan Burcaw, the director of Facilities and Construction, among other items the revised schematic for the Crystal River High School Phase II cafeteria.  This is going to be an exciting and  much- needed  revision   to the cafeteria and will provide  increase d  dining areas and better  service for our students.

Our next School Board workshop will be: Jan. 25th, 2011, 1:00pm at the District Office in the Board Room.

Our next School Board regular meeting will be: Feb.8th, 2011, 4:00pm at the District Office in the Board Room.

Related Links:

School Board Regular Meeting for Tues., Jan. 11th, 2011 @ 4pm

School Board Regular meeting this Tuesday, January 11th, 2010 at 4:00pm at Citrus County School District, Board Room, 1007 W. Main Street, Inverness, Florida 34450.

Citizen Comments at 4:00pm are reserved for comments on the items requesting approval on the agenda.  A second opportunity for Citizen Comments is available at 6:00 p.m. on any subject.

Click here to review full agenda for 1/11/2011 meeting…

School Board Meeting for Tues., Dec. 14th, 2010 @ 4pm

School Board meeting this Tuesday, December 14th, 2010 at 4:00pm at Citrus County School District, Board Room, 1007 W. Main Street, Inverness, Florida 34450.

Citizen Comments at 4:00pm are reserved for comments on the items requesting approval on the agenda.   A second opportunity for Citizen Comments is available at 6:00 p.m. on any subject.

Click here to review full agenda…