Archive for School Board Meetings

Recap of School Board Meeting on 7/10/2012

Recap of School Board Meeting on 7/10/2012

Resolution Passes!!!

I could not be more proud of our School Board’s work during Tuesday’s board meeting.  After many weeks of conversation, discussion, debate and even a little dissension we as a school board unanimously approved a Resolution expressing our concerns of the overemphasis of high-stakes testing.  (Click here to read the Resolution passed on July 10th, 2012.)  I want to thank all of you that have on this issue attended a board meeting, shared with us, written letters and emails to us and the newspaper and who have shared your concerns about high stakes testing with the school board.

I want to take time to share with you what a great honor it was to be a part of yesterday’s vote. This was an item that while in general it was always supported by the school board the detailed language was important to each of us.  We are all strong minded individuals and we all had strong views about what is important to us regarding high stakes testing.  I cannot express well enough the appreciation I have for each of my fellow board members. The thing that few people get a chance to witness is how our meetings are often a conversation with one another, with the Superintendent and Assistant Superintendents and the district staff.  We talk through issues collectively.  If you watch or attend a meeting you will quickly see that we each have different views and approaches but we work with one another for the betterment of our students, schools and district.

During the meeting, in addition to other business that was addressed, we also had an award presentation for the “Aspiring Teacher Scholarship” by the Suncoast Schools Credit Union and the Citrus County Educational Foundation.  The Board had a public hearing and approved revisions to Policy 4.71, “Participation of Home Education and Private School Students in Extracurricular Activates”.  These changes were required due to expansion of the laws during the last legislative session.

Also during the meeting I was most excited about the Board’s consent to my recommendation of live internet streaming of our school board meetings in addition to revamping the video archiving and playback features in order for the meetings can be more widely accessible to the public.  This will not happen overnight but I am encouraged that in the very near future you will be able to tune into our school board meetings on your computers and/or electronic devices.

Lastly, I want to share what School Board Member Ginger Bryant shared with us at the end of the meeting.  Ms. Bryant who was a long time reading and english teacher at Crystal River Middle School had the opportunity to hear author, Jamie Robert Vollmer speak during the Florida School Board Association Conference last month. She purchased his book, Schools Cannot Do It Aloneand ever the teacher, she read to us an excerpt from the book that has become more popularly know in education as, The Blueberry Story”.

The Blueberry Story: The teacher gives the businessman a lesson

“If I ran my business the way you people operate your schools, I wouldn’t be in business very long!”

I stood before an auditorium filled with outraged teachers who were becoming angrier by the minute. My speech had entirely consumed their precious 90 minutes of inservice. Their initial icy glares had turned to restless agitation. You could cut the hostility with a knife.

I represented a group of business people dedicated to improving public schools. I was an executive at an ice cream company that had become famous in the middle1980s when People magazine chose our blueberry as the “Best Ice Cream in America.”

I was convinced of two things. First, public schools needed to change; they were archaic selecting and sorting mechanisms designed for the industrial age and out of step with the needs of our emerging “knowledge society.” Second, educators were a major part of the problem: they resisted change, hunkered down in their feathered nests, protected by tenure, and shielded by a bureaucratic monopoly. They needed to look to business. We knew how to produce quality. Zero defects! TQM! Continuous improvement!

In retrospect, the speech was perfectly balanced — equal parts ignorance and arrogance.

As soon as I finished, a woman’s hand shot up. She appeared polite, pleasant. She was, in fact, a razor-edged, veteran, high school English teacher who had been waiting to unload.

She began quietly, “We are told, sir, that you manage a company that makes good ice cream.”

I smugly replied, “Best ice cream in America, Ma’am.”

“How nice,” she said. “Is it rich and smooth?”

“Sixteen percent butterfat,” I crowed.

“Premium ingredients?” she inquired.

“Super-premium! Nothing but triple A.” I was on a roll. I never saw the next line coming.

“Mr. Vollmer,” she said, leaning forward with a wicked eyebrow raised to the sky, “when you are standing on your receiving dock and you see an inferior shipment of blueberries arrive, what do you do?”

In the silence of that room, I could hear the trap snap…. I was dead meat, but I wasn’t going to lie.

“I send them back.”

She jumped to her feet. “That’s right!” she barked, “and we can never send back our blueberries. We take them big, small, rich, poor, gifted, exceptional, abused, frightened, confident, homeless, rude, and brilliant. We take them with ADHD, junior rheumatoid arthritis, and English as their second language. We take them all! Every one! And that, Mr. Vollmer, is why it’s not a business. It’s school!”

In an explosion, all 290 teachers, principals, bus drivers, aides, custodians, and secretaries jumped to their feet and yelled, “Yeah! Blueberries! Blueberries!”

And so began my long transformation.

Since then, I have visited hundreds of schools. I have learned that a school is not a business. Schools are unable to control the quality of their raw material, they are dependent upon the vagaries of politics for a reliable revenue stream, and they are constantly mauled by a howling horde of disparate, competing customer groups that would send the best CEO screaming into the night.

None of this negates the need for change. We must change what, when, and how we teach to give all children maximum opportunity to thrive in a post-industrial society. But educators cannot do this alone; these changes can occur only with the understanding, trust, permission, and active support of the surrounding community. For the most important thing I have learned is that schools reflect the attitudes, beliefs and health of the communities they serve, and therefore, to improve public education means more than changing our schools, it means changing America.

VISIT Jamie Robert Vollmer Web site:

Recap of School Board Special Meeting & Workshop on 4/24/2012

Recap of School Board Special Meeting & Workshop on 4/24/2012

“The digits are coming… the DIGITS ARE COMING…”

Tuesday was a Special Board Meeting and Board Workshop. At the Special Meeting the board approved the appointment of Ms. Donnie Brown as the new principal of Crystal River Primary School, effective July 1, 2012. The board also approved the appointment of Suzanne Swain to the position of Coordinator of Certification and Professional Standards, effective July 1, 2012. I am excited about both of these appointments as I know these educators personally and I look forward to them beginning their new roles.

Also, at the Special Meeting the board was presented with a presentation of the new administrative appraisal system which was required to be changed under the new “Student Success Act” law (a.k.a. 2011 SB736) like the teachers’ appraisal system was earlier in the school year. After the presentation the board approved the appraisal system

During the Workshop portion of the meeting Assistant Superintendent Ken Blocker gave a 2012-2013 budget update. As I have shared previously, at this time the school board has agreed to keep things in “status quo” for the 2012-2013 school year

One of the most exciting news items was the announcement of a special pilot project shared by Dr. Mike Geddes, the Director of Instructional Technology. A new and recent Florida statue has expedited the implementation of school district’s transition from print to digital curriculum. As a result, last year the school board set funds aside from the Race to the Top Grant to pilot one student and one digital device. This is often referred to in education as a “One-to-One” pilot initiative. Dr. Geddes formed a Technology Standards Committee (TS) who was charged with recommending a digital device. I am the Board Member Representative on this committee. After great research, and even some debate, the committee recommended the Apple iPad. Next, middle and high schools in our district were encouraged to apply for the pilot program. The objective of being the pilot was to use a digital device (ex. iPad) to impact approximately 200-300 students by transitioning them from print to digital curriculum. Additionally, the pilot would track the results of the one-to-one pilot program and compare a digital curriculum to the traditional print curriculum. The TS committee reviewed and scored the pilot applications and the school with the highest score was recommended by the TS committee to be awarded the pilot program. After the scoring was completed, all thirteen TSC members gave Citrus Springs Middle School the top highest number of points and CSMS was awarded the pilot program

For the 2012-2013 school year 7th graders at Citrus Springs Middle School will each receive an iPad. The iPad will replace the textbook for Social Studies and will supplement the textbooks for other subjects. A great deal of curriculum planning is underway to maximize the use and effective learning using the iPads. Teachers are already scheduled for training in the use of the iPad in their classrooms. Students will be given training for the use of the iPad when they are issued their iPad in the Fall. As a school board and district we have been developing new technology policies and guidelines for the use of these emerging technologies. This year a special filter student wall-to-wall wireless network was installed in all of our middle and high schools. Many details of this initiative and pilot will be released in the coming weeks and months.

I am tremendously excited about this pilot study and initiative. I strongly believe that in order for our students to be competitive in college and in the job arena they must learn for the world of the future instead of the world we have come from. If you haven’t already, I encourage you to read my blog post “Steve Jobs on Education”, Posted on February 16th, 2012.

Highlights from School Board Meeting, Aug 9th, 2011

Highlights from School Board Meeting, Aug 9th, 2011

For those that have not attended a School Board meeting each meeting begins with Opening Exercises.  Each month Board Members rotate who does the opening exercises and it is a time when each board member can share something meaningful to them or bring attention to a special cause.  This is then followed by the leading of the Pledge of Allegiance.  Linda Powers was unable to attend this meeting so she asked Bill Murray the Chairman to have Opening Exercises.  Mr. Murray took this opportunity to remind us of the great privilege we have in our country to express our individual beliefs and to assemble, meet and have the freedom to share our opinions.  He reminded us that this freedom does not come cheap but at a high price.  He asked that we remember the 38 servicemen that died in helicopter crash in Afghanistan. It was the worst single incident suffered by foreign forces in 10 years of war in Afghanistan.

Alan Burcaw, Director of Facilities and Construction, requested funds for flashing school zone lights at the new Turkey Oak Drive entrance of Crystal River High School, the Board approved the funds.  The Board asked for the approximate completion date for the new entrance (see current photo to above/right). Mr. Burcaw indicated that it should be completed in the next 45-60 days but it may be completed even earlier.  I know for our students and staff at CRHS it cannot be done soon enough.

Mr. Burcaw also presented the “Financial Management and Performance Audit of the District’s Educational and Construction Activities”.  Beginning in 2002, Florida Statute Section 1013.35(2)(f), required that every 5 years district school boards must have an independent third party audit done of the financial management and performance of the educational planning and construction activities of the district.  This audit was most in-depth and found NO deficiencies or corrective actions needed.  That is truly a remarkable and impressive accomplishment for the district and its staff and administrators.

One item that was on the agenda for approval was the renewal bid for mowing services to various vendors at our schools.  I was interested if the district had reviewed if there was still a savings by outsourcing this service.  Ken Blocker, Assist Superintendent of Business Services, and John Colasanti, Coordinator of Maintenance, shared that the district had reviewed that and among other appropriate reasons for recommending outsourcing it provide an approximate $75,000 a year savings. That was the information I needed.  I must share that I have been blessed with the professional and supportive manner in which our district staff and administrators assist me as a Board Member with my questions and background information requests.  They have always been willing to look at something in a new way but are also comfortable sharing if they have concerns about why it may or may not work.  That respect runs from the bottom to the top at the district and everywhere in-between.  That is the type of working relationship other districts only dream of having.

Among several other items passed at the meeting was the Board agreement between the School Board and the Citrus County Sherriff’s Office for School Resource Officers (SROs) for the 2011-2012 school year at our schools.  I have great respect for this program and the Officers in it and I whole heartily supported it as did all the board members present.  I have had the pleasure of being in the elementary classroom when the Child Lures, FOCUS , and Junior FOCUS had been taught.  I firmly agree with the CCSO description of the SRO program, “SROs take a proactive approach to law enforcement.  SRO’s are not just ‘cops’ on campus.  SRO’s provide all law enforcement duties on their campus.  They educate the students by teaching law related classes and other related subjects in the classrooms and counsel both students and parents on various topics.  The SRO becomes involved in the students’ lives as a positive role model.

One of the last items approved at the meeting was for 106 SuccessMaker licensees for 4 Middle, 1 Elementary School and CREST.  Successmaker is a K-12 learning management system with an emphasis on reading, spelling and numeracy.  I believe the data we have has shown how successful students are becoming through the assistance of the Successmaker program.

Our next meeting is a School Board Workshop Meeting at 9:00am on Tuesday, Aug 23rd, 2011.

Highlights of School Board Meeting for July 26th, 2011

Highlights of School Board Meeting for July 26th, 2011

What an eventful day, new teacher orientation introduction, school visit, budget workshop, special board meeting and lastly a public hearing all in one day.

After spending time at our new teacher orientation meeting the Board then convened for a touring workshop of Crystal River High School Renovation/Remodeling (follow link for photos of the new CRHS), Crystal River Primary School Renovation/Remodeling and Lecanto High School Cafeteria Renovation/Remodeling projects. Each of these projects or phases is coming to a close and “should” be ready for the first day of school.  The previous Board, Ms. Himmel, and the whole Facilities and Construction team should be commended for these improvements.

We then re-convened in the afternoon for a budget workshop.  After the workshop we had a  Special meeting and Public hearing to adopt the Tentative Millage Rates, the Tentative Facilities Work

Program, and the Tentative 2011-2012 budget. We also approved the 2011-2012 Student Progression Plans.

Because of the very difficult budget decisions for 2011-2012 and the 2012-2013 school years I wanted to give you a better understanding about the school budget and funds.

The Tentative Millage Rates

Often people misunderstand millage rates. Neither the School Board, the Superintendent, the County Commissioners, the Property Appraiser nor Tax Collector sets the maximum millage rate that is collected to operate public schools.  It is the Legislators that set the millage rates.  As the Chronicle Editorial Board shared in November 1, 2010, “Since the 2007-2008 school year, the state has cut capital budget funding to the Citrus County School District nearly in half, from $35.7 million in 2007-08 to about $18.3 million for the current school year.”  “…In 2007-08, the state allowed school districts to levy 2 mills for capital budgets, then that amount was cut to 1.75 with the state retaining the remaining quarter mill to return to school districts for their operating budgets. The state has continued to cut the millage, so now school districts have 1.25 mills allocated for capital improvements and maintenance. If a school board wants to make up the difference, it must go on the ballot.”  The voters approved the Critical Capital Needs referendum at the November 2010 elections.  Then, during the 2011 legislative session, the Florida Legislators passed a law that beginning in 2012 districts could no longer put a referendum for the millage rate on a ballot for the citizens to vote on.  This means that now we can only collect the Critical Capital Needs Millage Rate  for the 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 fiscal year’s budget only.

PECO Funds

Florida public school districts received PECO (Public Education Capital Outlay) funds.  PECO funds could be used by districts for acquiring land, building, altering, remodeling, improving, enlarging, furnishing, equipping, maintaining, renovating, or repairing of capital outlay projects for school purposes.  These were important funds for our schools and students.

The 2011 Florida Legislators allocated $55 million in PECO funds with a big exception.  Only the 350 Charter Schools will share $55 million, while the approximately 3,000 traditional public schools will get nothing.

It should be noted that there are more than 2,000 traditional public elementary and middle schools in Florida. Fewer than 1 percent (or 17 schools) received an “F” grade for the 2010-2011 school year. There are 270 charter elementary and middle schools in the state and more than 5 percent (15 schools) received an “F” grade for the 2010-2011 school year.

“The Budget” Tentative for the 2011-2012 School Year

The total tentative budget for the Citrus County School District for the fiscal year 2011-2012 totals $261,691,898. This reflects approximately $32 Million or 11% less than last year. The largest fund in our school budget is the General Fund, which is used for the operations of the school district. The largest funding for the General Fund is the Florida Education Finance Program (FEFP).  The FEFP funding program provides approximately $95 million, which is approximately $11 Million less than last year’s funding or 10.6% less. This is also compounded by the fact that the federal stimulus funding received two years ago of $5 Million has expired.

What is very scary is that we are expecting that we will be receiving another $5 to 6 million less for the 2012-2013 budget.  As I have said, “this budget year looks bad, but next budget year will feel bad!”  

We are going to face some very challenging financial times ahead for our schools. It is for that reason that we will not being waiting until next year to begin working on the 2012-2013 budget, but instead will begin budget work right after the 2011-2012 budget is formally passed, meaning October 2011.

The Best Part of the Day

With all the many tough budget issues during the meeting we had one agenda item that stood out as a light for me that day.

Dr. Trish Kallenbach, Education Committee Chairperson for the Rolling Thunder, Florida Chapter 7 organization, gave a presentation requesting that Citrus Schools begin flying year round the Nation’s second National Flag, the POW/MIA flag, at all our schools.  In addition, Rolling Thunder will provide our schools with the flags at no cost.

I want to thank Rolling Thunder and Florida Chapter 7 for their presentation and more importantly, for their generosity for providing the National POW/MIA flags to our schools.  I had the honor at the encouragement of fellow Board Member Ms. Pat Deutschman to make the motion to accept this gift and request.  The motion passed unanimously!

I believe this flag will be a beacon helping our students remember what has been sacrificed to allow and provide the great opportunity of learning knowledge each day.  From the words of one my heroes, retired Crystal River High School teacher and former Vietnam POW Capt. Richard Tangeman,  who spent approximately five years of imprisonment at Hoa Lo Prison (a.k.a. “Hanoi Hilton”),  “Don’t let the MIAs or their families be forgottenNow that we are home, please transfer the support you have shown us, the returned POWs, to the effort of aiding the MIA families in their search for knowledge concerning their heroic loved ones. These families still face the pain and problems connected with the absence of their husbands, fathers and sons. God bless your efforts in the past – and those in the future.”

I look forward to seeing these flags flying soon at our schools.

Our next meeting is a Regular School Board Meeting at 4:00pm on Tuesday, Aug 9th, 2011.


Highlights of Regular School Board Meeting for July 12th, 2011

Highlights  of Regular School Board Meeting for July 12th, 2011

Our meeting began with presentations  by the 6th grade 4-H Tropicana Public Speaking Citrus County Contest winners:

  • First place: Ethan Kennedy, Citrus Springs Middle School, “What It’s Like Being a TK”
  • Second place: Fallon Crowell, Citrus Springs Middle School, “The 411 on False Advertisements”
  • Third place: Jake Salute, Crystal River Middle School, “The Power of a Single Word”
  • Honorable Mention: Austin Danna, Lecanto Middle School, “the Devil That Lives With Me”

This was extra exciting for me as my son Ethan won first place and his friend and fellow CSMS Falcon Fallon Crowell took second place.  I am so proud of all of these young people.

One of the major decisions that was made at the board meeting was to finalize the sale of property for a future new elementary school adjacent to Pine Ridge along County Road 486.

The Board unanimously approved the purchase of this property.  Some have asked why the Board would purchase property for a future school during a budget crisis and when we currently have declining enrollment. It is important to understand that  no “Ad valorem taxes” (property taxes) will be used in the purchase the property.  The revenue/taxes used to purchase this property are coming solely from impact fees paid by new residential homes built in Citrus County.  No property taxes are paying for this land. One of the several reasons I support this purchase is that we are purchasing the property at a good price during a time when property prices are low.  The Board has had two appraisals done over the last 12 months and we are purchasing the land for 25% less than the most recent appraisal. It is important to understand that the Board and district cannot just build a school when it wants to.  The Board must get approval to build a school and prove its need by showing current schools at capacity with increasing enrollment to the Florida Department of Education. By having this land purchased already, the process of building a school will go faster once a new school is deemed necessary by the DOE.  The Board and Superintendent have modified the Long Range Capital Improvement Plan and pushed this school construction out to about five to ten years in our Long Range Plan

Also at the meeting the Board was asked to give direction to staff on options to improve the parent loop and parking at Inverness Middle School.  After a presentation of several potential options, the Board approved the least costly improvement which was to use only the existing IMS property as the existing parent loop and parking was improved and modified.  IMS has historically been a challenging school campus for traffic flow. While I believe the direction we are going will be an improvement at IMS, it will still not be a perfect solution.

During Board Member comments I took this opportunity to speak about my desire to bring back the ESE Council or, as I am suggesting calling it,  the “Exceptional Children Group”,  a group for Exceptional Student Education & Learning Challenged Students Parents, Guardians and Community.  Look for me writing more about this in a subsequent blog.

Our next meeting is a School Board School Tour of CRHS, CRP & LHS beginning at 10:00am on Tuesday, July 26th, 2011 followed by the  3:00pm Budget Workshop & Special Meeting.

Regular School Board Meeting for June 14th, 2011

Regular School Board Meeting for June 14th, 2011

In honor of Flag Day, Board Member Pat Deutschman gave a wonderful presentation about the history of Flag Day using  Superintendent Himmel’s flag collection that was displayed  around the board room. This collection included one sewn years ago by Mrs. Deutschman’s Cub Scout Troop.  Ms. Deutschman then had new Eagle Scout Derek Mangelsen and his scout brothers lead out in the national anthem.

The board received an update on the Lecanto cafeteria project, learning about its  color selections and serving area décor.  The cafeteria is scheduled  for completion on or about the middle of August 2011.

At the meeting we  had many wonderful presentations again this month.  (This is always my favorite part of the board meetings.)  Derek Mangelsen was honored for achieving the rank of Eagle Scout.  Derek’s Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project was a garden project at Rock Crusher Elementary school which is also Derek’s former elementary school.  Gail Grimm, Director of Professional Development & Community Services, recognized four aspiring teachers with the Aspiring Teacher Scholarships.  This program provides $ 1,000 scholarships for non-instructional personnel in Cirrus County public schools who are pursuing a degree in education.  This year’s recipients were Rachel Miller of Renaissance Center, Dawn Diaz of Citrus Springs Elementary, April Head of Rock Crusher Elementary and Marsha Wallace with the District Service Office.  Amy Mangan, Community Relations Officer with Progress Energy presented the Progress Energy K-12 Grant in the amount of $25,000.00 to the Citrus County Education Foundation.  Lastly, the Board recognized the Elementary Tropicana Speech winners and listened to their speeches.

Dr. Michael Geddes, Director of Technology and Information Services, provided an update on the computer rollout at our schools and throughout the district.  Dr. Geddes shared that his department and Dell have refreshed 7,002 new computers. Those that weren’t refreshed were traded out for newer computers.  What this means  for our students and staff is that  we now have the best of all systems available. In most cases this means that staff and students will be using Windows 7 and Office 2010.

Ken Blocker, Executive Director of Business Services, (and recently promoted Assist Superintendent of Business Services) provided budget updates and answered board questions regarding the current district budget.  The board  approved nineteen “TERM” (for 2011-2012 school year only) Supplemental Academic Instruction (SAI) Teacher Aides,  with one for each elementary, middle, and high school and Renaissance Center.  The board approved one Social Worker “TERM” (for 2011-2012 school year only) for the Renaissance Center.  This person I believe was and is important to the continual improvement of the programs at the Renaissance Center.  Lastly, the board approved  eighteen “TERM” (for 2011-2012 school year only) Teacher Aides for the elementary, middle and high schools.

This was also a bit of a bittersweet board meeting as it was Assistant Superintendent Mary Curry’s last board meeting.  Ms. Curry is retiring and her last day in June 27th.  Ms. Curry has been critical to our school district’s success over the last many years.  My own family has directly benefited from Ms. Curry’s talents as Ms. Curry was the founding principal at Citrus Springs Middle School where my wife teaches and where  my son is a student.  Ms. Curry’s positive impact on that school is still evident today.  Many former and current principals credit Ms. Curry for CSMS’s successes then and now.  Ms. Curry will be nearly impossible to ever fully replace and we are a better district because of her love for students and their learning.

Our next meeting is a School Board Workshop on Tuesday, June 28 at 9:00am.