Archive for News & Updates

Super’s Monday Message

Super’s Monday Message

Grateful for our leaders, educators, and outstanding staff

This afternoon our Superintendent Sandra “Sam” Himmel sent an email to our staff which I feel gives a glimpse into the vital and important work and planning going on behind the scenes at Citrus County Schools. As a parent of a student in our schools, husband of a teacher in our schools, and as a school board member, I am so appreciative of Superintendent Himmel’s email where she clarified some concerns, provided assurances and portions. I am so grateful to our Superintendent, her executive staff, the many departments’ leaders and their staff, the school administrators, school staff and teachers who have been working tirelessly addressing the needs of our students and preparing for the transition to virtual instruction on March 31st.

I encourage you to read the whole letter, but I especially cherished her words of hope and responsibility where she shared, “This is a critical time for the nation and our local community. I believe, as educators, you have the exceptional opportunity to serve as a positive force in helping our students and families get through this difficult time. Conversely, if we do not manage ourselves and our circumstances appropriately, we have the potential for contributing to the frustration and fears permeating throughout our society.

Superintendent Himmel goes on to encourage our professionals, “As we navigate through this difficult time, it is my expectation that all employees display the highest level of patience, flexibility, and compassion.  Together, and only together, will we overcome this challenge, and I have no doubt that we will be stronger as a result of this experience.

Thank you, Superintendent, and special thanks to all who have been developing, and will be implementing ‘Citrus CARES!’

Superintendent Sandra “Sam” Himmel sent to all administrator, teachers and Support staff at 3:27 pm on March 23rd, 2020

Good Afternoon,

I am writing with the intent of providing clarity to some misconceptions that resulted from the email I sent Saturday evening.  At this time, all staff members are scheduled to resume their duties and responsibilities on March 30th, as circumstances allow.  In order to meet this expectation, staff members are not being required to be physically present on school campus. This includes the planning session on March 30th. However, it is the responsibility of each staff member to obtain all information and directions needed in order to begin the implementation of the district’s Instructional Remote Plan that begins, Tuesday, March 31st.

Below is an excerpt from our soon-to-be released plan, titled Citrus CARES! (Continuing Academics Remotely to Every Student) Remote Learning Plan, which clearly outlines requirements for staff participation and expectations for the duration of this crisis:

March 30th is scheduled as a planning day for staff to prepare for remote learning. Staff members are permitted to plan from home or from their school site. If staff work from school sites, staff must adhere to all CDC guidelines. Staff who choose to work from home, must contact their immediate supervisor to ensure the correct time sheet is completed and there is a complete understanding of duties and responsibilities.

Last week, I scheduled a meeting for Tuesday, March 24th, with a small group (less than 10 people per CDC guidelines) of instructional staff members to present the plan and elicit feedback while it is in draft form.  We will make revisions and updates, as needed, based on the feedback we receive from this group.

We anticipate being able to release the entire plan to all staff by no later than Friday, March 27th.   Please understand this plan is subject to change as our situation evolves. This is not a situation school districts or government agencies anticipated. In this unprecedented national crisis, we will continue to do everything in our control to take care of our students and staff.

Due to the nature and timing of circumstances, we fully anticipate this situation will continue to be fluid.  Therefore, we ask that you remain patient and understanding as our circumstances evolve.

This is a critical time for the nation and our local community. I believe, as educators, you have the exceptional opportunity to serve as a positive force in helping our students and families get through this difficult time. Conversely, if we do not manage ourselves and our circumstances appropriately, we have the potential for contributing to the frustration and fears permeating throughout our society.

As we navigate through this difficult time, it is my expectation that all employees display the highest level of patience, flexibility, and compassion.  Together, and only together, will we overcome this challenge, and I have no doubt that we will be stronger as a result of this experience.

Sam Himmel
Citrus County Schools

Thank you for the last several days

Thank you for the last several days

We are Citrus County Schools!

Over the last several days much has been happening very fast that is impacting our students, families, and schools.  I wanted to take a moment to just publicly thank several local persons, organizations or groups that have been diligently working, planning, developing or just doing, for our students’ personal and academic health.  This is not limited to just these people, but these are just some of the standouts.

  • District and Schools Food Service Team under the direction of Roy Pistone – academics are important, but ensuring our students are not hungry is vital. Roy and his team worked to develop and them implement a Meal distribution program and implemented it on day one of schools being closed.
  • Citrus Blessings, Executive Director Christina Reed, and their volunteer teams and donators – Blessings has been on the front line of making sure our kids are feed in addition to their school provided breakfast and lunches. Ms. Reed (who I think never sleeps) is everywhere ensuring that weekend meals and other snacks where getting distributed ASAP. This couldn’t be done without the amazing Blessings volunteers and donators. If you are interested in donating to Blessings follow this link-
  • Citrus County Education Foundation under the direction of Shaunda Burdette and her team – This group perhaps never stops being focused on our students and staff. They tirelessly are strategic, planning and anticipating the needs of our district. If you are interested in donating to CCEF follow this link-
  • Suncoast YMCA – From the moment we learned of the schools’ closures the Y has been focused on how to serve our students and families. What great community partners!
  • School Level Administrators – These committed leaders are leading us through one of the most challenging academic times in our country’s history.
  • Teachers – From the moment that the state expressed what might be the initial plans for students, teachers began planning and strategizing to ensure our students continue to have their academic needs meet during these challenging times.
  • School Staff – From our custodians, teacher aides, secretaries, bookkeepers, and everyone in between, everything would come to a screeching halt if not for these team members.
  • Lindsay Blair, Public Information Officer for Citrus Schools – If you are learning about information regarding anything with our districts, schools and for our students from an email, phone call, or social media, chances are Ms. Blair was directly or indirectly behind it.
  • Citrus Education Technology, Kathy Androski and Lance Fletcher – This team has been front and center on supporting and estimating the basic framework of the tools our students and staff are dependent on.
  • Dr. Scott Hebert and the Citrus County Schools Education Service Team – These are the leaders and specialists that are our school academic teams go-to people. Our schools will say “we need help”, and this team says, “we are on our way”.
  • Superintendent Himmel, and her executive team of Assistant Superintendent Mike Mullen  and Jonny Bishop – What most people do not know is that these people are typically the first persons at the district, and the last ones to leave each day and these last many days it has been even more. They don’t stop working no matter the hour. I am honored to serve with them!

Again, this is by no means the only people, groups, or organization– but they happen to be the ones that I have been working or communicating with during this initial phase.

Please continue to lift our students, staff, Governor and his teams, the Legislature, and the leaders of all the local non-for profits and agencies, in your prayers.

Our students and I thank you!

Pirates challenge others to walk for a cure

Pirates challenge others to walk for a cure

CRHS’s club, Students and Teachers Against Cancer (STAC), is challenging every Citrus County School to bring the most attendees to this year’s cancer walk. The school with the most people will win this year’s spirit stick!!!!! Which school will win???


Are you a cancer survivor or do you know one? If so, we want to honor you this year at the “It’s All About the Cause” Cancer Walk on Saturday, March 14th from 3-11 PM at Lecanto High School. We will have a goody bag for each survivor and a free dinner for them and their caretaker. Just send your name, email, and phone number so we can get you registered or go to or

What is this cancer walk all about?

Have you ever been to a Relay for Life? It’s very similar to that. Just imagine a carnival for a good cause. There are multiple events all-day and all-night long. There are games, LOTS of food, bands, dancers, drawings, and so much more. Each team must have someone walking for them at all times to show that cancer never sleeps. The main events are our Guns N’ Hoses Basketball game (Firefighters vs. Police Dept.) at 1:00 in the gym, our Opening Ceremony at 4:00, our Survivor Dinner at 5:00 (given to all cancer survivors and their caregivers free of charge), the Luminaria event at 9:00- lit bags honoring and remembering cancer patients around the track (this is my favorite part) which also includes a slideshow of the cancer warriors, then more games, food, and fun until the closing at 11:00. Any money, gift donations, and/or sponsors that you get are GREATLY APPRECIATED and helps local cancer patients while funding cancer research. We cannot wait to see you there!!!!!

To sign up a survivor, a team, or to donate please visit or email us at

2020 State Education Funding, still optimistic and hopeful

2020 State Education Funding, still optimistic and hopeful

The 2020 State Education funding proposals for the 2020 legislative budgets have been outlined by Governor DeSantis, and both the Senate and House Chambers. 

I am asked continuously these days about what I think about the proposed education funding in the proposed state budget. I am still optimistic and hopeful but most of all appreciative of the Governor and the Legislature to the commitment and hard work that they have put into finding ways to fund and bolster teachers’ salaries and fund important educational necessities. While we share some concerns about what the details may include and some of the additional funding needs and operational costs requirements this year, make no mistake we are grateful for all the Governor and Legislature have been doing to support education. There are many details that the Senate and House will be working on together with input from the Governor, Florida Department of Education, and many other stakeholders, including school boards, to come up with a final budget for the Governor’s signature. I do not believe they have an easy task to achieve the many goals, requirements, desires, and needs for Florida’s students and schools. All of this must be done while also providing a balanced budget.  It is challenging balancing a multitude of funding needs for Florida, not just in education.

We are very blessed in Citrus County to have the Representation at the state level that we have. I am so thankful to our local state elected leaders such as House Representative Dr. Ralph Massullo, and Senator Simpson, who go out of their way to listen to our concerns and feedback about the local impacts of the funding considerations they will have to vote on. There will never be a perfect funding budget that will satisfy everyone concerned. As State elected leaders they will do their best. During my visits to the Capitol, I am continually impressed with the commitment of all our elected leaders. We may sometimes see things slightly differently but what I see over and over is genuine people that want to make the best decisions for our students and future.

I pray for them that they have the wisdom of Solomon as they continue to do what is best for our great state. Our students need all of us to work together and to be positive for them and their future, which is truly our future.

Happy Presidents’ Day

Happy Presidents’ Day

Happy Presidents’ Day a.k.a. Washington’s Birthday

Today we celebrate our United States Presidents. Presidents’ Day is an American holiday celebrated on the third Monday in February. Originally established in 1885 in recognition of President George Washington, it is still officially called “Washington’s Birthday” by the federal government. Presidents’ Day is now popularly viewed as a day to celebrate all U.S. presidents past and present. (source:

A book on our U.S. Presidents that is a favoriate of my that I recommend is, ‘The Presidents Club: Inside the World’s Most Exclusive Fraternity’ by Nancy Gibbs. It is the inside story of the world’s most exclusive fraternity; how presidents from Hoover through Obama worked with—and sometimes, against–each other when they were in and out of power.


Career Technical Education Month

Career Technical Education Month

So grateful for the amazing Career Technical Education (CTE)/Vocational/Workforce Education opportunities our students have available to them.

Citrus County Schools offer approximately 140 separate CTE courses covering approximately 75 industry certifications, through 28 different Program of Study Pathways available to our high school students.

To learn more about the CTE opportunities in our school for our students visit: