Archive for News & Updates

WTC’s Career Expo and Open House

WTC’s Career Expo and Open House

Today was one of Withlacoochee Technical College’s Career Expo and Open House. WTC generally offers at least four of these Open Houses each year- two during the day and two in the evening. These open houses are open to anyone interested in attending WTC and training for a new career. Potential students get to meet the instructors, tour programs, and shop areas and ask lots of questions. I love visiting on these days. There is just so much to see and so many students sharing about their studies and projects.

WTC boasts one of the top Nursing LPN programs in the State of Florida. The Welding programs are always a top choice, in fact, one of the lady welding students was working for NASA and wanted to expand her knowledge and selected WTC’s Welding program. (Check out the photo of her welding skills of a flower and more.) One of WTC’s new and exciting programs is the Industrial Machinery Control Technician. If you are looking to be the next mechanical technician for Amazon, this is just the place to get started.

There are over 20 different industry programs offered at WTC. To learn more about the programs and options please visit

sine die 2022

sine die 2022

Thank you Rep. Dr. Massullo and Senator Simpson!

Senate President Wilton Simpson

Today, the Florida Legislature including our two local delegates Senate President Wilton Simpson and Representative Dr. Ralph Massullo closed the 2022 Florida Legislative Session sine die (which essentially means ‘adjourned indefinitely’).

I want to thank Senator Simpson and Representative Massullo for their service this session. I want to thank them both for their leadership and work on not just behalf of Citrus County but on that of our schools, staff, and most especially our students.

There are a number of successes this session but two I would like to lift up is the removal of state standardized assessments in favor of progress monitoring and the budget appropriations to assist in the establishment of the new Citrus High School Construction pathway.

Representative Dr. Ralph Massullo

For well over a decade, I have worked to encourage and advocate with state leaders to remove and reduce the state-required assessments and their punitive penalties against students and educators. This year with great encouragement and support from Governor DeSantis the Legislature this session did what I might have thought a few years ago wasn’t possible- The Legislature voted to remove state standardized assessments and replace them with a progress monitoring system. The immediate details are in SB 1048 which unanimously passed the Senate and overwhelmingly in the House. There will still be much work ahead but this is a critical beginning point.

As a strong advocate for high school Career and Technical Education (a.k.a. as workforce /vocational education), I have been excited about our new Citrus High School Construction pathway. The program got an extra needed boost in the passing of the Legislative budget with Rep. Massullo’s appropriation bill HB 4965 with support in the Senate by Senator Simpson, that if signed by the Governor will provide Citrus High School Construction Pathway startup funding of $253,500.

There are several other positive improvements for our students, staff, and schools this session, but these were two which I believe will have long-lasting positive impact on our Citrus County students and community.

I am so grateful to Senator Simpson and Rep. Massulllo for their leadership and commitment. God bless them both in their future endeavors for Citrus County and Florida!

Parents’ Involvement in School Advisory Councils

This was originally published in the Citrus County Chronicle on Sunday, March 13, 2022.

Parents’ Involvement in School Advisory Councils

By Thomas Kennedy

For decades School Advisory Councils have been one of the great places for parents to have a strong and guiding voice in the school rules, budget, curriculum, and more in their child’s school. Often parents will share that SAC is the most immediate and direct way to have influence in their child’s school.

School Advisory Councils, commonly known as SACs, were formed in Florida Statutes in the early 1990s.  Retired School Board Members Pat Deutschman and I were parents who began our public service on SACs at our children’s schools.  I had the blessing of serving both as a member of SAC and as Chairman for several years at Citrus Springs Elementary and Central Ridge Elementary before being elected to the school board.

It is important to understand that SACs’ responsibilities and roles differ greatly from other parent groups like school PTAs and PTOs. SACs assist in actual decision-making at the school level and are a vital way to provide parents’ perspectives, voices, and support of the public education system for our students. Over the years, some of our best curriculum tools began as SAC’s initiatives.  SACs are often places where parents make impactful decisions in the classroom. For example, it was SACs that first approved and funded computers, iPads, and other major innovative curricula in schools.

SACs have been the places where a wide range of stakeholders— parents, students, community members, teachers, staff, and administrators— sit down together and review students’ performance data in detail, discipline data, staffing, and other items in the scope of their review. State law even requires that a majority of the SAC members be parents and community members not employed by the school district.  From the data reviews and in-depth discussions about the strengths, weaknesses, and needs of the school, the school administration with SAC develop the annual, statutorily required School Improvement Plan with measurable goals and timelines for review. The improvement plan then becomes the goal and the focus of the school.  During these council meetings, many ‘Aha’ moments lead to improvements and contribute to our district consistently being highly rated and above the state in many areas. Many of our school district’s successes can be attributed to the high expectations set by SACs, the Superintendent, and the School Board.

SACs are in Florida Statue 1001.452. The law states, “The school advisory council shall be the sole body responsible for final decisionmaking at the school relating to implementation of (the School Improvement Plan)”.  It further mandates that the “school advisory council shall assist in the preparation of the school’s annual budget and (school improvement) plan).” When SACs were first established, they were provided $10.00 per student to meet the objectives of the School Improvement Plan.  Later that was reduced by more than half with funding provided by the Florida Lottery revenues through the “discretionary lottery funds”. At this time funding is not currently guaranteed, but we are able to use the unused funds from the “Teacher Classroom Supply Assistance” (s. 1012.71) to distribute to the school SACs to decide on the school-based curriculum, initiatives, and needs to meet the objectives of the School Improvement Plan.

Each SAC’s responsibilities are defined in Florida Statutes, School Board policy, and SAC’s By-laws. Depending on the size of the school, a SAC will have 12 to 20 members.  This includes that the SAC members represent teachers, education support employees, students, and parents.  Each stakeholder shall be elected by their respective peer groups at the school in a fair and equitable manner. Florida statute also states that the SAC membership elected must be “representative of the ethnic, racial, and economic community served by the school”. If it does not, principals must make recommendations and the “district school board shall appoint additional members to achieve proper representation”. In addition, Citrus County School Board has a long-standing tradition of each school board member being assigned multiple SACs and each board member attends the assigned SACs meetings. I have attended hundreds of SAC meetings over the years, and it is still one of my favorite responsibilities.

The great purpose of School Advisory Councils has always been to increase parent and community involvement and oversight in their students’ schools.  I encourage parents and guardians to look for information about SAC meetings and how to become SAC members.  For those of you who have served on a School Advisory Council, as a parent and school board member I thank you for your service.

Thomas Kennedy is a School Board Member for Citrus County School Board, District 1. Read his blog at

First Library “The Little Engine That Could”

First Library “The Little Engine That Could”

“I think it can… I thought I could”

Reading to students is a blessing to them and for us. Citrus County Education Foundation’s First Library initiative continued today as CCEF gave kindergartners throughout Citrus County another book to add to their library. This classic story is the 90th edition of “The Little Engine That Could” I was excited to again read to Ms. Purtee’s kindergarten class at Citrus Springs Elementary School. What an amazing class, and amazing teacher! Thank you again to CCEF and its partners for providing our students with their “First Library”.

Coalition for College & Careers at Citrus High School

Coalition for College & Careers at Citrus High School

Spent time today at Citrus High School with Patrick Simon and Steve Simonelli with the Citrus County Coalition for College & Careers (CCCCC). I am honored to serve on the CCCCC board of directors. CCCCC is a not-for-profit group that provides free mentoring, tutoring, and counseling to college and technical school students helping offer information on the college application process, college selection, technical school options, careers and related processes. In addition, CCCCC also issues special scholarships to students. Last year CCCCC and its partners provided over $20,000 in local scholarships. CCCCC works with our high school Guidance Counselors and teachers to identify students they can assist. CCCCC representatives are at each high school weekly. If you know of a student that might benefit from CCCCC help, have the student ask their Guidance Counselors for information about CCCCC and Patrick Simon, or for more information visit

FRE’s Title 1 Family Literacy Night “Candyland Unplugged”

FRE’s Title 1 Family Literacy Night “Candyland Unplugged”

What a fun evening of family reading at Forest Ridge Elementary school’s annual Family Literacy Night. This is always a fun literacy event and I have been so excited to attend it for many years. Special thanks to Mrs. Daugherty, Mrs. Carlson (and her daughter Chloe), FRE 1st and 2nd grade teams, Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Miller, Ms. Barnes, Mrs. Schantz, Mrs. Cornelius, Mrs. LaPorte, Mrs. Price, Mr. McVae, Mrs. Lahera, Mrs. McCullough, Mrs. Bice, and Ms. Reynolds for sharing the reading and talents to our students and families. Thank you to Marsha Mullen, Title 1/Resource Teacher for coordinating this great event.