Archive for News & Updates

CHS Construction Teacher Position

CHS Construction Teacher Position

Citrus High School is actively seeking a motivated individual to serve as the teacher for our Construction Academy.

The program is set to begin in the fall of 2022.

Interested applicants should apply by completing an online application at

For specialized Career and Technical Education programs, a district-level certification pathway is available to those that qualify.  Applicants must either hold a Bachelor’s degree with two years of experience in the field of construction OR if the applicant does not hold a degree, he/she must have 6 completed years of experience in the Construction industry.

If you have any questions, please contact Laura Lindeman, Principal or Mark Kahler, Assistant Principal at Citrus High School (352)726-2241.

Chronicle Editorial Board: Advisory Councils a way for parent involvement

Chronicle Editorial Board: Advisory Councils a way for parent involvement

So grateful to the Chronicle Editorial Board editorial column today, ‘Advisory Councils a way for parent involvement’.

“For parents who are interested and concerned about what is going on in our schools, the School Advisory Council is an excellent way to be involved in their children’s education. The councils are on the forefront of involvement in the aspects of the operation of each school in the county.”

Read the full article at




FSC Doctoral Course guest

FSC Doctoral Course guest

I was honored to once again be a guest in Florida Southern College School Education Doctoral Course on Policy Analysis, Implementation, and Evaluation. Dr. Scott Hebert’s the FSC Course Instructor and we participated virtually as Dr. Hebert and students asked me questions regarding policy development and implementation. The students are Education Doctoral Candidates. I was extra excited to participate this year now as a FSC “Moc Dad” as my daughter is a freshman at FSC in the Bachelor in nursing program.
Thank you, Dr. Hebert and FSC for this opportunity.

School District Career Fair

School District Career Fair

“Hiring Fair” is maybe a better description. I dropped by the Citrus County School District Career Fair between my meetings today. I got there mid-morning and over 30 people had already gone through and 7 had already been hired on the spot (subject to HR processing and background verifications). In addition, numerous substitute applications were taken for teaching, transportation, and other positions.

Administrative representatives from elementary, middle, and high schools, and all the major departments were on hand to not just share about open positions and answer questions of potential employees, but also to interview candidates. Human Resources personnel are on hand to help candidates fill out applications.

Thank you to all that participated today!

Math Field Day is Back!!!

Math Field Day is Back!!!

Math Field Day returned after a COVID hiatus. Math Field Day is a fun and rigorous math competition open to public and private school teams. Each school may bring several teams from different math grade levels. Each team can include up to four students. The grade-level teams compete against each other to computate numerous equations for the grade level/subject (e.g. Algebra 1, Geometry, Calculus, etc). The competition is fast and fierce. Top Team Ribbon Awards are given for individual grade-level teams from 1st through 3rd plus honorable mention. Overall 1st place trophy is awarded to the top-scoring Middle School and High School. Congratulations to this year’s winners Citrus Springs Middle School and Lecanto High School for taking home 1st place Overall trophies.

This event was possible due to our special sponsor the Citrus County Education Foundation and community partner the Suncoast Credit Union. We have a special thanks to the West Citrus Elks Lodge #2693 who not only sponsor this event by providing the venue but also feed the students breakfast and lunch. We love you Elks!

Thank you to Darrick Buettner for emceeing the event, all the district leaders, and the teachers and educators from each of the schools who volunteered their Saturday morning to score/grade the event for the students. A very special thanks to David Assumpcao our District Math Specialist for his coordination of the event.

We also want to thank the parents and families that supported this great event and most especially the students that competed from all the public and private middle and high schools in Citrus County.

A Pirate Gala

A Pirate Gala

A wonder Pirate Evening at the inaugural Crystal River High School Gala to honor those that support the CRHS students, staff, school, and community. It was a magical evening with music from the CRHS Concert Band and Choir, while student-athletes served a lovely dinner prepared by the CRHS culinary students. The CRHS NJROTC Cologuard Presented our America Colors and Pledge, followed by Principal Mcleod’s opened remarks.  CRHS Alumni Pastor Lloyd Bertine of the Gulf to Lake Church was the guest speaker, sharing a powerful message about our CRHS past and tools to continue to make our CRHS future successful. Thank you to the CRHS Administration, leadership team, staff, and all the student volunteers that worked so hard to provide this special event.