Archive for News & Updates

Citrus School Board approves resolution supporting parents’ rights

Citrus School Board approves resolution supporting parents’ rights

Today at the conclusion of our Citrus County School Board meeting I offered up a ‘Resolution Supporting the Rights of Parents in Education’ for my fellow school board members to review and approve. I am grateful and honored that my fellow school board members unanimously approved this resolution.

Parent empowerment is nothing new for Citrus County School District. As a recent Citrus County Chronicle Newspaper Editorial Board column stated, “at the conclusion of the 2022 Legislative Session, Gov. Ron DeSantis declared this is the year of the parent in Florida. Here in the Citrus County school system, it has been the year of the parent for many years.”  Today’s Citrus County School Board resolution publicly affirms those beliefs and actions.

The resolution reads;



WHEREAS, parents are their children’s primary teacher and are responsible for the upbringing, education, and care of their children; and

WHEREAS, providing the highest quality public education is critically important and requires meaningful collaboration between children, parents, families, educators, school board members, and communities; and

WHEREAS, the education of children comprises of a variety of activities that are used by families and communities to teach content and skills, including social, behavior and cultural; and

WHEREAS, students and families are entitled to equitable access and fairness from the public school district; and

WHEREAS, public school districts welcome and value the support of families and communities to foster effective partnerships; and

WHEREAS, Citrus County School District has a longstanding commitment of supporting and encouraging parent involvement and input in multiple areas including but not limited to school advisory councils, code of conduct adoption committees, textbook adoption committees, calendar adoption committees, Superintendent’s Parents Council, Title 1 Parents Council, personal meetings and communications with teachers, school administrators, district staff, Superintendent of Schools and school board members; and

WHEREAS, all educators and school board members should support and respect the relationship between families and their children; and


BE IT RESOLVED, that the School Board of Citrus County encourages all school district staff to honor parents as the child’s primary teacher and collaborate with families to continue the longstanding commitment to provide a safe environment and ensure parents’ rights are respected when it comes to decisions about their children’s education and safety.

Given at Inverness, Florida this April 12, 2022.


Virginia “Ginger” Bryant, Chair

Douglas A. Dodd, Vice Chair

Thomas Kennedy

Sandy Counts

Linda B. Powers

9th Annual Suncoast Credit Union Schoolhouse Hustle

9th Annual Suncoast Credit Union Schoolhouse Hustle

What a great morning at the 9th Annual Suncoast Credit Union Schoolhouse Hustle provided by the Citrus County Education Foundation. It was so great to see all the happy and joyful faces participating in the fun and awesome event that benefits our students and classrooms. Thank you to CCEF and our great community partners that participated and supported this event. Special thanks to our Suncoast Credit Union for once again sponsoring this fantastic race!

FHSAA year’s end appeals hearing

FHSAA year’s end appeals hearing

Today was the last Florida High School Athletic Association (FHSAA) Section 2 Appeals Hearings for the 2021-2022 school year. During today’s meeting, FHSAA Associate Executive Director Craig Damon honored the outgoing Committee Chairperson, attorney representative Leeann Mackey-Barnes who has volunteered and served for the last many years.

Thank you, Counsel Mackey-Barnes, you have been such a great asset to our appeals committee. I have been so honored to serve with Counsel Mackey-Barnes and all the FHSAA Section 2 Appeals representatives.

WTC Welding Ladies

WTC Welding Ladies

Recently Withlacoochee Technical College’s Women in Welding event was featured in a column, “Having a ‘blast’: Area women guests pick up torches to learn about the art of welding”, please check it out.

A couple of weeks ago I was visiting WTC’s welding department and captured one of these talented ladies and her amazing work. Their artistry and skill are most impressive.

For more information on WTC’s welding program visit:

Happy Assistant Principals Week

Happy Assistant Principals Week

Assistant Principals inspire dreams, encourage creativity, build confidence, instills a love of learning, touch the hearts of students and staff and change their lives positively forever.

Rock Crusher Visit

Rock Crusher Visit

Spent time visiting Rock Crusher Elementary School. Many of RCE educators and staff I have known for many years.  Some of the current educators include former classmates of my children, former students & colleagues of my wife, several friends and even the best man from our wedding.  Needless to say I always enjoy stopping by RCE. I spent time with Assistant Principal Sarahy Ramallo visiting a number of classrooms and seeing the many great learning strategies and great instruction going on.