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CRHS Alumni Takes Command of USS Florida

CRHS Alumni Takes Command of USS Florida

Bravo Zulu Capt. Roussakies!

CRHS Alumni Takes Command of USS Florida

KINGS BAY, GA, UNITED STATES 05.20.2022 Photo by Chief Petty Officer Ashley Berumen Commander, Submarine Group Ten. U.S. Navy photo by Chief Mass Communication Specialist Ashley Berumen

This past week the US Navy announced that Capt. John Roussakies will be the incoming commanding officer of the Ohio-class guided-missile submarine USS Florida (SSGN 728). Capt. Roussakies was a Crytal River High School graduate from the 1990s who was an active member in the CRHS Naval Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (JROTC). Bravo Zulu Capt. Roussakies!

Chronicle STAR Athletic Recognition Awards

Chronicle STAR Athletic Recognition Awards

“I’ve got a theory that if you give 100% all of the time, somehow things will work out in the end.” – Larry Bird

Tonight was Citrus County’s premier student-athletic event, the Chronicle STAR Athletic Recognition Awards. Approximately 70 student-athletes from public, charter and private schools were honored for their accomplishments in the 2021-2022 school year.

Congratulations to all the student-athletes! Thank you to the families and parents who support and sacrifice for these young people. Thank you to the coaches and athletic directors who help to bring out the best in our student-athletes both in athletic competitions and in academic successes.


Summer RISE for Class of 2023

Summer RISE for Class of 2023


Senior year’s coming! Are you ready?

Scholarship opportunities up to $500 for attending


Class of 2023 rising seniors will go through a two-day course that’s focused on what to expect for your senior year. You’ll learn hands-on about college and career options, scholarships and financial assistance, the workplace and college cultures, and about resume and interview strategies. We’ll have guest speakers.


• College & career options
• Scholarship opportunities
• Applying for college and completing your application
• College cultures
• How to apply for financial assistance
• Job applications and interviewing skills
• Workplace preparation


Text @rise2023 to 81010
to receive the registration links


DATE: July 26-27 TIME: 9am—3pm (Both Days)
LOCATION: College of Central Florida (Citrus Campus)

CCEF’s 9th Annual Citrus Kids Triathlon

CCEF’s 9th Annual Citrus Kids Triathlon

Nothing much better than to spend your morning cheering, volunteering, and supporting our Citrus kids! Well, that is just what dozens and dozens of community partners, parents, educators, and local volunteers did this morning supporting the every popular and ever-growing Citrus County Education Foundation’s 9th Annual Citrus Kids Triathlon! Congratulations to all our kids’ successes today!

Special thanks to prime sponsors PedIM and Publix and to all the amazing sponsors! Please check them out at

Consortium of Florida Education Foundations SAC Panelist

Consortium of Florida Education Foundations SAC Panelist

What an honor it was to be a panelist for the  Consortium of Florida Education Foundations at their Strategic Advisory Council. These are an impressive group of professionals and stakeholders from throughout Florida and the nation helping to assist in supporting our schools through our Education Foundations. We shared and collaborated about meeting the needs of our students, schools, and communityies. I spent time bragging about our own local Citrus County Education Foundation and our community partners and the work we do together for our Citrus County students and schools. It was clear Citrus is a positive model around the state and nation.

2022 4H Public Speaking Regional School Contest Winners present at CCSB

2022 4H Public Speaking Regional School Contest Winners present at CCSB

Nothing better than a school board meeting packed with student presentations with lots of students and families attending. Thank you to Megan Furniss and Becky Harris for their coordinating the competition for the Citrus County School District and special thanks to 4H for sponsoring the event!