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Coastal Camp Citrus 2023 applications are now open!

Coastal Camp Citrus 2023 applications are now open!

Attention middle and high school families!

Coastal Camp Citrus 2023-day camp applications are now available at

Click on the Coastal Camp Citrus tab underneath the webpage banner and please carefully read all the information before contacting us for questions regarding this summer camp.

Deadline for completed applications is April 17, 2023.

Completed applications may be mailed or scanned & e-mailed to the Marine Science Station using the information on the first page of the application.

If you use inter-county mail, PLEASE make sure the envelope is labeled for the Marine Science Station (MSS).

Middle School and High School applications are attached within this email for distribution to interested students and parents via your various communication outlets.  Please assist us by reaching as many eligible Citrus County School District students and their families as possible by sharing this information.

We are grateful for the leadership within the Citrus County School District, from Superintendent Sam Himmel, and from the Citrus County School Board for allowing the Marine Science Station the privilege of offering Coastal Camp Citrus as an outstanding summer learning enrichment opportunity for our students.

We are appreciative for the financial support from our educational partners at the Southwest Florida Water Management District and the Kings Bay Rotary Club, as well as our many other past sponsors who help Citrus County students in financial need attend this camp.

As always, thank YOU for helping us get the word out to students and families about the Marine Science Station and our summer enrichment programs!

Saul Speights- School Board Member, athletic official, and friend to all

Saul Speights- School Board Member, athletic official, and friend to all

It’s not uncommon for individuals in the Citrus County community to send photos to me of Mr. Speights in action

I often share about amazing people and programs connected to Citrus County Schools, but today, I want to shine a light on a truly incredible individual from Hamilton County whose impact extends far beyond the basketball court, volleyball court, and softball field.

Saul Speights, school board member, athletic official, and friend to all! This guy is a true powerhouse in the sports community, bringing a wealth of experience, passion, and dedication to every game he referees.

Before becoming an athletic official, Mr. Speights was a coach who instilled in his players the love for sports, the importance of teamwork and fair play. He encouraged them to work together towards a common goal, and the satisfaction of putting in the effort to achieve success. And, let me tell you, that coaching experience sure paid off when he joined the Hamilton County School Board.

Mr. Speights is a true advocate for student-athletes and youth athletes. He knows the importance of sports in a young person’s development and dedicates himself to ensuring that every student-athlete has the opportunity to compete in a safe and fair environment. He’s filling a much-needed shortage of officials and referees, because, without trained officials, we can’t have competitions!

His professionalism, positive attitude, and care for youth are widely recognized. Mr. Speights is known in our Citrus County, over two hours from Hamilton County. It’s not uncommon for individuals in the Citrus County community to send photos to me of Mr. Speights in action at a game, expressing their appreciation for his knowledge of the rules, positive impact on the game, and overall excellence as an official. They rave about his positive demeanor and his ability to keep games fair and enjoyable for all participants.

In addition to his work as an athletic official, Mr. Speights is also a school board member and community leader. He’s an advocate for students and works tirelessly to ensure they receive the resources and support they need to succeed. He’s a valuable member of the community and a true asset to the education and sports communities. I am honored to work with him at the Florida School Board Association where he also serves on the Board of Directors.

Saul Speights is an exceptional individual whose impact extends far beyond his own county. He’s a positive school board member and community leader who brings his passion, dedication, and commitment to excellence to everything he does. I am thrilled to share about this remarkable person, whose contributions to sports and education are truly invaluable.

FRE Title 1 Night: Live, Laugh, Love, and Picnic!

FRE Title 1 Night: Live, Laugh, Love, and Picnic!

Tonight, Forest Ridge Elementary School held its annual Title 1 Literacy Night, with this year’s theme being “Live, Laugh, Love, and Picnic!” It was another great opportunity for our FRE community to come together and promote the importance of reading. The students and families were able to enjoy a fun and interactive evening that encouraged them to make reading a regular part of their lives.

The Forest Ridge Elementary School team did an amazing job putting together this event. From the engaging reading activities to the delicious picnic dinner, everything was perfect. The students were able to participate in fun reading challenges, listen to guest storytellers, and even take home a free book. The families had the opportunity to meet and talk with their child’s teacher and learn more about the school’s reading program.

We want to extend a big thank you to the Forest Ridge Elementary School team for all their hard work and dedication in making tonight’s event a success. It was a wonderful evening filled with laughter, learning, and love. We look forward to next year’s Title 1 Literacy Night and all the other opportunities for our community to come together and support reading.

Celebrate Literacy Week

Celebrate Literacy Week

Today, I had the pleasure of reading “The Day the Crayons Quit” by Drew Daywalt to Ms. Kristel Frati’s 3rd grade class at Citrus Springs Elementary School as part of Celebrate Literacy Week, Florida. This event is an important part of the “Just Read, Florida” initiative, a statewide reading program through the Florida Department of Education. It is designed to raise awareness about the importance of reading and to inspire Florida’s students and families to make reading part of their daily routines.

As I read the book, I made a text-to-self connection with the students by relating the letters from the crayons in the story to letters I receive as a school board member. The students were so engaged and made many high-order connections. They were fascinated by the idea that even crayons can have their own voice and opinions.

I have to give a special thank you to Ms. Frati for creating such an engaging and interactive reading experience for her students. Reading is a fundamental skill that is essential for success in school and in life. It helps to develop language, comprehension, and critical thinking skills. It also opens up a world of knowledge and imagination, and can be a source of entertainment and enjoyment.

That’s why Celebrate Literacy Week, Florida is so important. It helps to raise awareness about the benefits of reading and encourages families and students to make reading part of their daily routines.

I had an amazing time reading to Ms. Frati’s class today and seeing their excitement and engagement as they listened to the story.

Literacy Week is another great opportunity for us to come together as a community to promote the importance of reading and to encourage students and families to make it a regular part of their lives. I would like to give a big thank you to Ms. Frati for creating such a great reading experience for her students. Happy reading!


Check-out Jake Reynold

Check-out Jake Reynold

Attention all country music lovers! Meet Jake Reynold, a talented former Citrus County School student who is making waves in the local music scene and beyond. Jake writes and records country music. Jake’s unique sound is authentic and true to the roots of country music. He is a true artist and his passion for music shines through in every performance.

Jake is a firm believer in the power of God and his faith is evident in his music. He says “Ain’t no pop country here! God is Great!” He infuses his music with meaningful messages and spirituality, making his performances truly moving and inspiring.

If you’re looking for some real country music, be sure to check out Jake Reynold’s music. You won’t be disappointed! Follow him on social media to stay updated on his upcoming performances and new releases.

Social Media


FSBA leaders attend COSSBA Leadership seminar and training

FSBA leaders attend COSSBA Leadership seminar and training

As President of the Florida School Board Association (FSBA), I was grateful to have the opportunity to attend the Consortium of State School Boards Associations (COSSBA) Leadership seminar and training, alongside FSBA President-Elect Tina Certain and FSBA Executive Director Andrea Messina. The COSSBA Leadership Seminar is designed for school board members who serve on their state association’s board of directors, who are considered “leaders of leaders” in shaping the policies and direction of their state’s educational system. FSBA is a founding member of this new national nonpartisan consortium, which brings together state school boards associations to share ideas, best practices, and resources.

The seminar featured presentations from experts in the field, including Dr. Jim Johnson, a professor at UNC Chapel Hill, who discussed the demographic headwinds that have enormous implications for America’s future workforce, workplaces, and consumer markets. Another highlight was the presentation by Tim Weisheyer, a former FSBA President, who spoke about the importance of understanding one’s role and responsibilities as a leader. Andrea Messina, along with other Executive Directors, gave an excellent presentation on “Association Leadership Through the Power of Positive Governance” that discussed the role of governance and leadership in driving the success of state school boards associations.

The seminar also covered how to differentiate the work of local school boards and state school boards associations’ board of directors. Attendees learned how to encourage their boards to enhance the mission and vision of the association, build trust and communications with member districts, and foster the development of leadership necessary for the association to maintain the continuity of its work and the trust of its members.

The COSSBA Leadership was an important opportunity to understand the concerns and interests of our member school boards and to develop the leadership skills necessary to effectively represent them.